Day in the Life

Jan 23, 1892

Journal Entry

January 23, 1892 ~ Saturday

23 ^ An arrow^ I was vary sick through this day sent for Dr Joseph Richards
He gave me large Doses of Salts He considered me in a Dangerous
condition I was relieved from costiveness which help me


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Richards, Joseph Smith
4 Oct 1848 - 30 Oct 1913

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Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 23 January 1892
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your favor of Dec 28th with instructions in regard to sending you a statement of the balances of money in bank &c, on the first of each month, received, and will be attended to. I received the enclosed letter from Elder Joseph F Schoeufield President of the Turkish Mission, whom I am informed was not feeling well in health on his arrival at Constantinople last fall, and as he says his lungs are affected and desires to be released from the Turkish Mission and sent to Switzerland where some of his relatives reside. I thought it would not be wise to delay his release, and therefore sent him word that he has been transferred to the Swiss & German Mission as desired, although I do not at present know of a man to take his place, We have none in England, and I have written J J Scharrer President of the Swiss & German Mission asking him if he has an experienced Elder whom he can recommend, but should he not have a suitable one, perhaps you will suggest what shall be done. Elder Herman is the only

Jan 23, 1892