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Day in the Life

Jan 26, 1892

Journal Entry

January 26, 1892 ~ Tuesday

Jan 26 1892
I am gaining some strength to day but still vary weak
C W Wilken gave me a water & Alchohol Bath at night


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Letter from Willis Johnson, 26 January 1892
Circleville, Utah, . Prest Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother, I received a letter in November 13th 1891 releasing me from the missionary call till my circumstances would justify me going. I have been shaping my affairs so as to go in the spring, in May or June. If I am considered qualified and worthy to preach the Gospel, I am willing to go any where you choose to send me with God's blessing. If you intend to send me next spring, please let me know as early as possible and also where, so I can make the necessary arrangment. Your brother in the Gospel, Willis Johnson. Bishop J E Peterson. All right. Say the Southern, or Northern States Mission. J. F. S.

Jan 26, 1892