Letter from Frederick Stauffer, 27 January 1892
Salt Lake City
President Wilford Woodruff & Counselors
Dear Brethern—Having arrived
at the conclusion that I am best adapted to the
study of medicene and also having a natural inclination
and love for the same. I amd decided to pursue a course
in a medical school if it be pleasing to the will of
Him who rules all things. But as I have lately
returned from a two years and eight months
mission to Turkey, which cost me several hund-
red dollars. I have not the ready means to
start schooll now as I would like. There is a
medical school in Louisville, Ky that opens on
Feby 1st at which I would like to take my first
years course. It will coust me about $30000/100 for this
year. Although I have some realty at Logan, I
cannot well despose of it or give it as security at
presant without considerable ^loss^ or expense. If you can
assist me toin getting about $300.00/100 for six or eight
months at reasonable interest, it would greatly oblige
me. Previous to going on my mission, I was book-
keeping and clerking for W. C. Morris, who is now
deceased. At presant I have no work and would