Day in the Life

Jan 27, 1892

Journal Entry

January 27, 1892 ~ Wednesday

27. I am some better to day gaining strength

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Letter from Frederick Stauffer, 27 January 1892

Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff & Counselors Dear Brethern—Having arrived at the conclusion that I am best adapted to the study of medicene and also having a natural inclination and love for the same. I amd decided to pursue a course in a medical school if it be pleasing to the will of Him who rules all things. But as I have lately returned from a two years and eight months mission to Turkey, which cost me several hund- red dollars. I have not the ready means to start schooll now as I would like. There is a medical school in Louisville, Ky that opens on Feby 1st at which I would like to take my first years course. It will coust me about $30000/100 for this year. Although I have some realty at Logan, I cannot well despose of it or give it as security at presant without considerable ^loss^ or expense. If you can assist me toin getting about $300.00/100 for six or eight months at reasonable interest, it would greatly oblige me. Previous to going on my mission, I was book- keeping and clerking for W. C. Morris, who is now deceased. At presant I have no work and would

Letter from Austin T. Merrill, 27 January 1892

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. In reply to yours of Jan 21st Will say. I am quite willing to respond to the call, though if required to start at as early date as March, it will be necessary for me to borrow money to take me to my field of labor, but if the time could be extended until June, without impeding the missionary work, I could get my business so arranged that I could leave much more conven- ient. Please inform Ime if the extention of time will ^be^ granted. I remain your Brother in the Gospel. Austin T. Merrill W. C. Parkinson Bp. Give him the time. J. F. S.

Letter from William Alvin McBride, 27 January 1892

Hyrum Cache Co. Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother I received your favor of the 21st inst. notifying me that I had been called to perform a mission to the United States, if there was no reasonable obstacle in the way. and after thinking the matter over for a day or two I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know just how I am situated financi- aly. I have quite a large family there being nine of us, all togather and they have no means of support except my daily labor, but I suppose my Bishop unders- tood that fact before my name

Letter from William Alvin McBride, 27 January 1892

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

From the Church 25

Jan 27, 1892