Day in the Life

Feb 8, 1892

Journal Entry

February 08, 1892 ~ Monday

8 I went to the office the first time I have been in the
office for 2 weeks I was glad to Meet with the Brethren
I signed 13 students certificates This is the City Election day
The Libarals carried the day all but 3 Mormons


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Letter from Christian Hirschi, 6 February 1892

Recd Accepts Mission

Letter from Charles Thomas Stoney, 8 February 1892

Beaver Feb. 8 [18]92. Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I am in receipt of yours of the 2nd inst. and in answer I will say: My heart is with the work. My time is my God's: My services are also his. But I regret that my circumstan- ces at the present make it impossible for mye to comply with the present call with the date affixed. In the first place I am teaching school and am un- der contract until a much later date than that spoken of.

Letter from Ezra Cullen Eames, 8 February 1892

President Wilfrord Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I recived your letter of 2 inst the name is Ezra Evans, But if it is me my name is, Ezra Eames I am a attending school at the B. Y College at present; My Mother is the widow. And I have just enough property to sell to take me. I will have no way of getting any thing from home while I am there, But if I am the kind of Missnonary you wish, please ansuer

Letter from Hyrum Albert White, 8 February 1892

Beaver City Pres Willford Woodruf Dear Sir it is with pleasure that ^I^ answer the call made upon me some time ago to go on a mission I will be ready to start on the 20th from Salt lake city respectfully H A White George Munford Bishop O.K. J. F S. PS Can I get any cut on my fare from here to your City Attended to Spence

Letter from John Coleman, 8 February 1892

Smithfield Brother Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir in answer to your letter I received the other day to be as a missionary to go to the united States it would please me very mutch if I could go but I am placed in sutch close circumstances that it would be impossible for me to go this spring for I have just bought me a place and I am owing for it and I am in debt so that I couldent think

Letter from William Budge, 8 February 1892

Prest W. Woodruff Dear Bro In consequence of the mistake made by us in having our Quarterly Conference one week too late, Apostle Lyman cannot attend with us next Saturday and Sunday, as it was thought best for him to be at Bannock at that time. The mistake in the time arose from our concluding that it would be on the second Sunday in the month as usual, where as if we had con- -sulted the printed instructions as we should have done it would not have happened. We have had the pleasure of frequent visits from yourself and President Cannon which the people here have I am sure appreciated, and hope to have repeated when ever opportunity offers, and there has been a great desire among the people to see Prest. Jos. F. Smith since he has been at liberty. I here venture to ask if it could be made convenient for him to come. Leaving Salt Lake on Friday at 10.25 A.M.

Letter from John Woodruff Clark, 8 February 1892

Answered Feb 15 [18]92 gave Names of Father family ^with^ JOHN W. CLARK. Hilton, Hughes & Denning SUCCESSORS TO A. T. STEWART & CO. (WHOLESALE.) Broadway, Fourth, Ave. 9th & 10th Sts. New York. BOSTON, 78 Chauncy St. PHILA., 1020 Chestnut St. LONDON, 165 Queen Victoria St. E.C. PARIS, Rue Bergère 18, LYON, Quai St. Clair 11. CHEMNITZ. Theater Strasse 14. New York 2/8th 1892 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir In talking with your Son in the Z C M 2nd last Nov. I was struck with his resemblance of my late Brothers Nephew Abija Woodruff & of his nephew Capt Powell & asked him where you was born, he replied in Farming Ct. His reply led me to think that you mus hav been from the same branch of the Woodruff Family as my Mother who was a daughter of Johsua Woodruff & his wife Prudence Curtis. ^living on the Farm in Farmington Ct^ Had you been in the City the following day "Saturday" would have called on you. I left Monday Morning. I find in

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Malinda W Hatch $5. Medicine $1 6

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

1 Bill of Lamps Z C M I 41 15 8 1 Bill of Furniture 110

Feb 8, 1892