Letter from Alexander Badlam Jr., 10 February 1892
San Fran.
Wilford Woodruff and Wife,
My dear Friends:--
Your kind invitation came
to hand to-day, and I assure you that nothing would give me
greater pleasure than visiting your valley at the date of your
honored anniversary, and Mrs. Badlam joins me in the same
pleasurable hope that we can do so. Only one thing will prevent
it, and that is the illness of my son. He was cured of the
Pneumonia and a relapse brought on the grippe, from which he is
still confined to his bed, and no one can tell when we can leave
him. If he can be left, we will be there to personally congrat-
ulate Mrs. Woodruff for such a long life of happiness with so good
a man, and to congratulate you upon the possession of so good a
wife, and the possession of the love and respect of every man,
woman and child that ever came within the circle of your good and
honorable influence.
May God grant, that your days may be prolonged to the
extreme limit of man's life's-span, and that yourself and good
wife may find peace in that home for all the good in heart and
pure in mind.
Very sincerely,
Alexander Badlam