Day in the Life

Feb 10, 1892

Journal Entry

February 10, 1892 ~ Wednesday

10. I met with Morris & How about the Amnesty

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Letter from Alexander Badlam Jr., 10 February 1892

San Fran. Wilford Woodruff and Wife, My dear Friends:-- Your kind invitation came to hand to-day, and I assure you that nothing would give me greater pleasure than visiting your valley at the date of your honored anniversary, and Mrs. Badlam joins me in the same pleasurable hope that we can do so. Only one thing will prevent it, and that is the illness of my son. He was cured of the Pneumonia and a relapse brought on the grippe, from which he is still confined to his bed, and no one can tell when we can leave him. If he can be left, we will be there to personally congrat- ulate Mrs. Woodruff for such a long life of happiness with so good a man, and to congratulate you upon the possession of so good a wife, and the possession of the love and respect of every man, woman and child that ever came within the circle of your good and honorable influence. May God grant, that your days may be prolonged to the extreme limit of man's life's-span, and that yourself and good wife may find peace in that home for all the good in heart and pure in mind. Very sincerely, Alexander Badlam

Letter from Jonathan Golden Kimball, 10 February 1892

Chattanooga, Tenn., . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Thought perhaps a report from this mission would be of interest so make my first attempt. Since the year 1875 six hundred and twenty two elders have labored in this mission and the results have been that 4000 souls have been baptised. Twenty five hundred have emigrated, leaving as near as we can ascertain about 1400 people scattered throughout the mission. The elders visit the saints from time to time, but find many of them luke warm and on account of their poverty are unable to gather out. The greater portion of our people are emigrating to Arizona, Mexico and New Mexico. The remainder are joining their friends in different parts of Utah. Very few are going to Colorado. We think it of vital importance that localities in Arizona, Mexico, and New Mexico are ^should be^ designated so that we can counsel the saints to emigrate to said places. At present the people are in doubt, and we are unable to counsel them. In the past two months we have made great

Letter from George D. White, 10 February 1892

Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have been thinking very much sence I wrote and told you that I could not go at the time appointed I have made it a matter of pa prare and the more I think of it the more I think I ought to go I have talked with the President about it and he said he thought that the ward would help me out if I would go and I think that the Lord will open the way so that I can go. So I will try and be in Salt Lake reddy to starte on the 23 of March Geo D White George Munford Bishop

Letter from Horton David Haight, 10 February 1892

Oakley, Cassia Co., Idaho, President Willford Woodruff My Dear Brother In answer to letter adressed to my by By Missionary comittee asking wheather we had any Elders of forren Birth that we could recomend as worthey, and in a condition to go if called. Will say we have but very few forreners in this stake, and what few there is, are not in very good circumstances. In canvassing the Elders quorums, we find afew Native Born Breathern, who we could recomend if needed. We have afew very inteligent Young men in the Lesser Priesthood, who wood mak good missionaryes, allthough theiry are not in the best of circumstances financially. Hopeing this will find you in good health With kind regards I remain Your Brothe in the Gospell H. D. Haight Why did he not send a name or two with his recommendations? Ask him to name a few of his best, if we need them. J. F. S.

Letter from Johann Heinrich Stocker, 10 February 1892

Paris Idaho President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother! Your letter dated Febr. 1st came to hand and in answer to it I will say, that I feel it my duty and am willing to respond to the call, made of me and expect to be at the Historian's Office at the appointed time. If the brethren have to give me any in- structions as regards to my papers, I would be pleased to receive them. Respectfully yours J. H. Stocker. Wm West Bp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Willis Johnson, 10 February 1892

Circleville Utah . Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have Just received yours of 30th ult., notifying me to prepare my self for a mission to the United States to start from Salt Lake City on the 26th of May 1892. I accept the call, and, if all is well, will be on hand on the date named. My Bishop tells me I will go with the good wishes and blessings of the Ward. Your Brother in the Gospel. Willis Johnson. Bishop, J. E. Peterson. All right J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Dr. Joseph Richards Bill P D 25 [10] paid $5 on Desert Land 5

Feb 10, 1892