Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1892

Journal Entry

February 20, 1892 ~ Saturday

20 I spent the day in the office I met with several Men


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Letter from Ezra Cullen Eames, 20 February 1892
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I recived your letter of the 17th, inst, and reply to it. I will say I have just begun A corse at the College, and if I should stop at present I would lose my education and my home and I hope, on thise ground's you will excuse me for I dont fill I can possible go and wish to be relesed Your brother in the gospel. Ezra Eames Logan, Utah release him J. F. S.
Letter from William Budge, 20 February 1892
President W. Woodruff. Dear Bro. I presume you have noticed in the papers that an objection was lately raised to a delegate sent from here by a Republican Club on the ground that his certificate was signed by a chairman who occupied the Status of a Poligamist. There was no objection to the man sent, or to the proxies which he held. Although the club convention had no official significance it was a mistake to have the certificate so signed, as I gave an excuse for friction which is not desirable. The club was organized in a hurry and as an expectant member was going to Boise on other business, it was thought a good opportunity to have a representation there. The chairman (chosen by both Mormon and Gentile Republicans) who is usualy cautious, regreted the mistake. I was not at home and knew nothing about who was chairman
Letter from Jesse W. Crosby, 20 February 1892
Moapa Lincaln co Nevada President Woodruff your letter containeing trustee in trust order for one hundred dollars produce come duly to hand & the order thank fully received & has ben honared & paid am sorry to be in such a strait at this period of my life am now in my 72 year my chi ldren & all that know me will sestify that I have always laboured hard & paid my debts & a good honest titheing Thomas Chalister Bishop of 17 ward & my Bishop for many years often told me my titheing list was the best in the ward I replyed not better than several rich men I named & he replyed as before & while abroad on several missions my fam ily never drew a dollar of church funds I pa[i]d all their bills on my return am glad I was able the other day one of my teem horses died & the fates seem against me evry thing is extreemly dull here have hoped to be able to sell out & go somewhere where there is saints enough to make a meeting & a school has I better come back to Utah or Arazonia or Mexi co

Feb 20, 1892