Day in the Life

Feb 22, 1892

Journal Entry

February 22, 1892 ~ Monday

22nd George Washingtons Birth day I assisted Emma
to set out in pots & Boxes flowers & fruits in p[o]ts & Boxes


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Washington, George
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
48 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman

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Letter from Evan Stephens, 22 February 1892

Salt Lake City, Utah President Woodruff and Council Brethern; Our choirs generally are very short of music books needed for their regular use. While the music published by our own enterprising publishers, (The News & Juvenile Inst Co.) is but little bought and used. All for the want of funds. I have thought that an entertainment devoted to that purpose and given on the most favorable night that could be spared during the April Conference, in the Tabernacle could aid us much, if there are not insuroundable objections to using the Building for the purpose. To make a beginning I would propose aiding the Twenty five or Thirty Choirs in and near Salt Lake City. Letting all the choirs unite in one body with the Tabernacle Choir. Each choir to select a suitable man to canvass

Letter from Neils Monson, 22 February 1892

Brother Wilford Woodroff I received a letter from you the 18th inquiring if I was able to take a mission to Scan dinavia, for which I am thank ful to think that I am worthy of such a possition, and I do not feel to back out in the least of fulfilling that mission, but under the circumstances that I am placed at preasent it seems almost impos sible for me to get ready to get ready in that short of time, because I have no money to go on, and I have a few debts to pay first and it seems almost ^impossible^ for me to sell my team now in that short of time and get the mouny for it

Letter from William Done, 22 February 1892

Smithfield Presdient Woooruff dear brother I riereved your notfication I am willen to except the mission as you have called upon me to preform with the help of the lord to asist me I will doe my best William Done Wm Done is perfectly willing to go, and I believe will make a good faithful worker in the missionary field. Respectfully your Brother Geo L. Farrell Bp. Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Ulrich Stauffer, 22 February 1892

Brigham City Utah, To the First Presidency of the C. J. C. of L. D. S. Salt Lake City Utah, Dear Brethren In replying to your letter of the 17th instant. I have only to say that if my service in the Missionary Field is required I am on the alter and willing to do the best I can. I do not see how I can be ready before the 1st of June next, however, by Conference time if I can get redy Earlier I will let you know Your Bro in Christ Ulrich Stauffer All right J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 22 February 1892

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother We would like your advise on the following case. A young couple commtted themselves, they deceived thier Bishop. They were rebaptized, he was ordained an Elder, they went to they House of the Lord and were seald to each other. They were tried by thier Bishops Court and disfellowshipped. Can they be forgiven and be rebaptised into the Church on confessing thier fault? or must they first be cut off by the High Counsil? With kind regards I remain your brother. T E Ricks

Letter from William Budge, 22 February 1892

WPresident W Woodruff Dear Bro I submit the following names of Elders for missions. They are men worthy and of good repute, young and have means to go with. 1 Joseph S. Robison & 2 Joseph M Phelps of Montpelier and 3 Robert C Young of Preston all of this County. The first named I recommended for a mission about two years ago. I mention him again for your considiration if you have no objection. He is a Son of the late Lewis Robison, and the most promising of four brothers all living here is a bright young man, and in addition to the good he may do as a missionary he may be hereafter a blessing to his relatives. It will be remembered that he had a brother (Bp C. E. Robison) who died on some years ago while on a mission in the States. I suggest provided it be agreeable to you that Joseph be Sent to Europe, all right ) Your Bro in the Gospel Wm Budge All Right, if needed, or when needed, let them be notified. J. F. S.

Feb 22, 1892