Letter to Isaac McAllister Waddell, 24 February 1892
P.O. Box. B. Salt Lake City, Utah. .
Dear Brother:
The class of work which you have been engaged on a salery to
do for the Church we find can now be done by our present office staff; and
as the Church is under the necessity of curtailing its expenses in order
to meet its obligations and the demands which are continually made upon it,
we beg to inform you that your services will not be needed after the close
of the present month, at which time you will please turn over to Brother L.
John Nuttall all books and papers you may have in connection with this
business, together with any unfinished Church business you may have on hand
at that time which will not require your professional attention; and any
information you may be in possession of regarding this work, which is prop-
er for Brother Nuttall to know, please convey to him; or any special in-
struction you may deem it necessary to give him regarding the same, please
impart, and oblige,
Your Brother,
(Signed) Wilford Woodruff.