Day in the Life

Mar 7, 1892

Journal Entry

March 07, 1892 ~ Monday

7. I received 4 Letters spent the day in the office
I met with several parties upon a variety of
Business A hand pointing to the right I had my front yard laid out & preparation
made for putting up a 6 rods of Iron fence in front


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Letter from George W. Lindquist, 7 March 1892
Logan Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I recieved your favor of 4th Instant requesting me to be at the Historians Office Salt Lake City on the 8th April to be set apart for my mission, which will recieve my prompt attention, should nothing serous occur to prevent me Yours very respectfully George W. Lindquist 4th Ward Logan Prest Woodruff Dear Brother I can recomend George Lindquist as being a good Latter day Saint and I think he will do good on his Mission and as such I recomend him with Kind regards your Brother in the Gospel Thomas X Smith Bp O.K. J. F. S.
Letter from Henry Solomon Woodland, 7 March 1892
Recd 9 [March 1892] Willard City March 7, 1892. President Wilfred Woodtruf Dear Brother, I received a letter from you in regards a mission I will s State to you my sircumstancies. I am living upon un Surveyed land, and the Jeneral opinion of the peopelle are that the land will be surveyed this Summer, and I would lifke to get my patent, and mot loose my land, This land il is lying in the suthern part of what is known as the, Foart-
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
for Nailor Bill $7 And Galagor $5 12

Mar 7, 1892