Day in the Life

Mar 19, 1892

Journal Entry

March 19, 1892 ~ Saturday

19 I spent the day at home choreing

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Letter from Amel B. Jenson, 19 March 1892

Richfield Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I recived your letter the other day, and was quite surprised to hear the call wich was made of me. I was not at home when the letter came, but soon recived the news. I was working at a Sawmill about twenty miles from this city. I can say that I feel good towards the call which is made of me, and will try and to be redy to the time which is set. Your Brother in the Gospel, Amel, B. Jenson. The foregoing I can endorse, Jos. S. Horne, Bp. [sideways text] O. K. J. F. S. [end of sideways text]

Letter from August Kotter, 19 March 1892

Elsinore Sevier Co Utah President W Woodruff Dear Brother, Your letter of March 10th read and contents carefully noted and considered I feel it may duty to respond to the call for a mission to Switzerland and Germany, and if all is well shall be ready to the stated time May 14th next Your Brother in the Gospel August Kotter. I indorse the above J I Jensen Bp O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from August Kotter, 19 March 1892

Letter from John Jensen, 19 March 1892

Richfield . Pres. Woodruff, Dear Brother Your's of the 10 inst. found me busily engaged in studing at the B. Y. Academy. As I have been borrowing money this season, and had nothing to prepare myself with, thought it best to return home to sefind out what could be done before answering the letter. It is, indeed a hard trial to leave, owing to the

Mar 19, 1892