Day in the Life

Apr 8, 1892

Journal Entry

April 08, 1892 ~ Friday

8 I had a very hard busy day a constant strem
of People all Day & much Money wanted to carry
out the Wishes of the People I was vary weary at night

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Letter from Joseph Don Carlos Young, 8 April 1892
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (Dictated C) Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren: Bro. John Anderson of the 13th Ward, being called to go on a mission, desires me to address you by letter and say that his Bishop, N. A. Empey, has honourably released Bro. Anderson at my request, as he is one of our most useful mechanics and I would not know where to get another man to fill his place. Is therr this satisfactory to you brethren Your Brother, D. C. Young. Per C.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
A , cap stone plait $1.50 Tithig $6.25 7 75

Apr 8, 1892