Day in the Life

Apr 18, 1892

Journal Entry

April 18, 1892 ~ Monday

April 18, 1892
Went to the office The sugar company met at the
Office and discussed the situation of the company


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Letter from Jorgen Jorgenson, 18 April 1892
Dear President W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro. Woodruff I send you this letter which is a answer to a letter that I received from the Secretary of the mexican Colonization Agriculture Company. Your letter dated March 29 was received with due respect and in answer to your request I will proceed to give my reasons which are as follows, So that it may be under- stood why I refuse to pay rent it may be necessary to explain a few things. At first I will state that when I first signed my name as a colonizer It was understood that there was so much land to the wright of each colonist. we were told to go to work and build and satisfactory arangements should be made for the colonizers it was two years or there about before the colonization agriculture company was organized. I suppose shortly after the orginaztion of this company and agent was sent to collect rent. No agreement or contract was entered into as far as I know Hence I dident exurt myself very much to pay this demand. This fall I do not remember what month the agent of the company came again and demanded not only the same amount of rent

Apr 18, 1892