Day in the Life

May 6, 1892

Journal Entry

May 06, 1892 ~ Friday

6 I had a numbers of callers to day I took cars
at 3:30 & rode to Logan ^{Smithfield}^ at 8. 100 Mils


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Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 6 May 1892
Presidents W Woodruff G Q Cannon Jos F Smith Dear Brethren: The proposition to detain Bro. Osmond to repace Bro. Anderson is impracticable for the following reasons. Bro. Osmond was here on mission two years from 1884 to 1886. He came here year last Jan. it will be two years next Jan. His health is much impared, His financial condition at home is embarassing, and under these circumstances I have arranged to release him in the near future. I presume you will look upon his case as I do. He is willing to stay, but another winter here would prove fatal to him ^I believe^; within the last three months he has been at deaths door; he now presides in London. I have spent some forty pounds for house furniture the bills for most of it I forward you have no bills for the ten pounds Furniture etc at 42 would not bear transportation the brethren use that which we left that which is good for anything. I will pay these bills should ^you^ intimate it is my business to do so. Have taken my family notraveling to improve the health of my wife and children who have been seriously afflicted at times, hence the great expense to me. Bro. Anderson is gradually failing in health so are most of the brethren who sleep at 42; business makes it necessary for them to do so. Printers earn their wages by shirking, must be watched closely. My brethren & family join in love Your Bro in Christ. Brigham Young
Mission - Missionary Certificate for Conrad Maag, 6 May 1892
in behalf of said Church First Presidency. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith
Personal - Notebook, 1883-1898
I wrote to Joseph Hall Samuel Cox of Price Emery Co wants to be Adopted to W W Wm Mogan Dead to be Adopted To W Woodruff with his wife Living & her children 7 living Also Edward Banks Nelson & wife Agnes Morgan Nelson

May 6, 1892