Day in the Life

May 21, 1892

Journal Entry

May 21, 1892 ~ Saturday

21 I spent the day at home choreing

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Letter from William L. Parks, 21 May 1892

Annabella Utah Pt. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother in reply to yours of April 29 ult calling me to a Southern Mission will have to state my circumstances as per advice with Bishop of this ward. I have been in Utah 6 years last March have depended on days wages for a living thus far I have no team but one cow but have bought 3 town lots in this ward and started to build a home I have a wife and six small child ren to support have with other parties contracted for a sawmill which we have to get on time hoping to be able to get something ahead sometime in short I have always felt since I have been a mem ber of this Church that I would be called on a mission but did not expect it so soon. instead of being ahead I am behind but not much I have nothing to sell in shape of stock to help me out consequently after consulting with my Bishop have concluded to ask for a little time 1 or 2 years (I am only (33) thirty three years old) to get staraitened out so I can go without being a burden to the ward (But the Lords will be done) if I go next october I would have to have over

Letter from Samuel Francom, 21 May 1892

Payson Utah May 21, 1892 Preseident Woodruff Dear Brother my notification for a mission to the Southern States was duly recived after the round to Teasdale and bck to Payson where my home is al though I have part of my familyly family at Teasdale if consistant I woluld like to have my notification and call from Payson so my family will be considered as missionary families and our Bishop will indorse it if it can be changed

Business/Financial - Check receipt from John Whittaker Taylor, 21 May 1892

Salt Lake City, Received of Wilford Woodruff One Hundred # 00/100 Dollars in Lease 10,000 Acres Canada ^Land^ on Account of John W. Taylor No The Deseret News Co., Printer [sideways text] paid to Dec 9, 1892 [end of sideways text]

Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 21 May 1892

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Elder Prime Coleman informs us that circumstances were such that he was unable to go through the Endowment house before he came on his Mission, and that if he returns to his home in Arizona he might not be able to get there for sometime, so I advised him to book to Salt Lake City and represent his case to you on his arrival, as he will not have the means left to take him home Yours truly Brigham Young J. C. C

May 21, 1892