Day in the Life

Jun 11, 1892

Journal Entry

June 11, 1892 ~ Saturday

June 11, 1892
We Met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok on the trial
of Bishop Bunker on Doctrin we talked to them
Plainly of the impropriety of indulging in Misteries
to create difficulties among the Saints They profesed
to be satisfied we then met in the Conferce of
the High Priests at 2 oclock Prayer By Broth Fossett
speeches were Made By G Q Cannon & W Woodruff
untill 4 oclok


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Bunker, Edward
1 Aug 1822 - 9 Feb 1901
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2271 mentions


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Discourse 1892-06-11
the ressurection. Pres Woodroof and Cannon Showed in a very plain manner that it was right to worship the true, and the Living God, and Him only, and not the intellegence that dwelt in Him that His Son Jesus Christ, or Jehova never taught such doctrine, but always to worship my Father which is in Heaven, and to always pray to the Father in the name of his Son Jesus Christ [3 Nephi 18:19], Showed that Adam was an immortal being when he came to this earth and was made the same as all other men and gods are made; and that the seed of man was of the dust of the earth, and that the continuation of the seeds in a glorified state was Eternal Lives. And after this mortal tabernacle ahad crumbled to dust in the grave that God would in the time of the ressurection by his matchles Power would bring together again in the form of a glorified and an imortal to the Righteous to dwell with Him for ever, also that those that were not righteous
Letter from George Teasdale, 11 June 1892
Prest Wilford Woodruff & Council, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: At 2 p.m. on Sunday May 29th 1892 the Saints assembled in the Juarez Meeting House & continued their Conference. Choir sang the 29th hymn "Come we that love the Lord." Prayer Elder W. R. R. Stowell. Choir sang anthem. "When the Lord shall build up Zion." Elder Alfred Baker & Gaskell Romney administer ed the Sacrament. Elder Wm. W. Galbraith, of Diaz, desired the faith & prayers of the Saints that he might have the Spirit of the Lord, then gave his experience in Mexico and his labors amoungst the Mexicans as a physician, furnishing med icine paying interpreters and never charging them any- thing. He loved the people, thought we were here to mix with them set a good example and eventually preach the gospel to them. Thought when the Lamanites were converted they would not come into the church one at a time etc. Elder Helaman Pratt remarked "My father P. P. Pratt was one of the first (4) four elders or missionaries called to preach the gospel to the Lamanites. One of his last miss ions was to Chili where he endeavored to open up the gos- pel to the Spanish speaking people In 1865 a mission was appointed to this country. I was called and we obtained permission for the Govenor of the State to

Jun 11, 1892