Day in the Life

Jun 19, 1892

Journal Entry

June 19, 1892 ~ Sunday

June 19, 1892
Sunday Conference Met this Morning at Parowan
I rode to Cedar quite comfortable 14 miles
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Owen I spent the day at Bishop


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
33 mentions


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Letter from Frederick Alexander Neuburger, 19 June 1892
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother in the Gospel! Please kindly act in the following application, which I desire to lay before you, as the Spirit of God may direct you and kindly give me your opinion and your assistance, which I never yet failed to receive from you, dear Brother, whenever I have been in need of your counsel and help! I am a young man of 32 1/2 years of age, married, born in Warrttemberg, Germany, quiete well educated in the German language and I feel like I would like to go on a Mission to my native country. I am the only member of my whole fathers house- hold, who has the priviledge of being in the Church of Christ, and I have a very large and extensive relationship in
Letter from Willard Clausen Jensen, 19 June 1892
Logan ^Brigham^, Utah, Pres't Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: In answer to yours of 17th inst' will say. By the help of the Lord, I will be prepared to be set apart for my mission to Europe, as requested, next April, 1893. Your Brother in the Gospel Willard Jensen. Bp Henry Tingey
Letter from Alexander Morris Ledingham, 19 June 1892
President Willford Woodruff Dear Sir and Brother At a meeting which was held in Newton Meeting House this Evening, to hear the Programme read of the Committee for coming Fourth of July Celebration It was promenintly set forth, that they wer to have as Grand a millitary Display as they can possibally arrange. They have ordered the Guns from Salt Lake City, and anticipate to be able to secure for the occasion, uniform from that which was worn by the People's Political Party of Utah. They are to meet Tomorrow Evening for the first-Drill under the Leadership of one John Christensen a bitter anti Morman He and his Fathers Family being the only Apostates, and Tribune Liberale supporters in this Community. A Committee of our young men had been appointed to arrange for the Celebration, and they are being led into this undisguised Trap by him taking this step in the Face of the order of Governor

Jun 19, 1892