Day in the Life

Jun 25, 1892

Journal Entry

June 25, 1892 ~ Saturday

25 I spent the day mostly in the Garden

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Letter from William M. Bellamy, 25 June 1892
June 25th 1892. My Ever Dear Sir ^if I may say Broth^ Ever since Bro Jno Banks Broke up the Cincinnati Branch of the Church of L.D.S. here I have been in hot water knowing as I do it is a blow for Cincinnati I well remember the time When Bro & Sisr Greenhaulgh his Boarding house folks left for home & was sorry I was not prepaired to come along too. But as I hope it is not too late yet I write this which will be appreciated by certain of my Brethren & sisters who used to meet in Melodian Hall for worship on the 7th day of the week to worship that God who is Eternal unchangeable & who knoweth when a sparrow falls to the ground it gives me courage to know I am noticed by him & am not forgottoen this gives me courage to write now.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Sondries for Journey 25

Jun 25, 1892