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Day in the Life

Aug 9, 1892

Journal Entry

August 09, 1892 ~ Tuesday

9 I spent the day in the Office I met with Br Gerge
A Shoshone Indian who has been on a Mission

^[FIGURE]^ I wrote a Letter to Sarah Delight in Answer to
her Letter I paid $200 dollars into the Bishops Office
for the Temple in Behalf of Moses Thatcher to apply
on my Sundown & Loplata mining stock


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3 mentions
370 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
168 mentions

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Letter from Stephen D. Parrish, 9 August 1892
Wilford Woodruff, Esqr., Salt Lake City. Dear Sir: I trust the interest I take in the subject men- tioned will be an excuse sufficient for the liberty I take in thus addressing you. For several years I have read and studied every thing I could find relating to the Mormon church, its morale & its people, its origin & growth and prosperity, and with especial interest I have watched the various measures of Congress relating to the matter. I am forced to admit that there is something far above the ordinary in the teachings and practices of this people that has enabled them to spread and propogate their peculiar system so extensively and successfully, & to do this against poverty & the bitterest persecution, oppression & vituperation. Above all this, I admire this people for the great good they have wrought for our common country in redeeming the waste places in the desert & most abandoned sections of that country. They have done this, & spent millions of money, thousands of lives in conquering the savage, clearing the forests, clothing the desert plains and arid valley with fruitage, towns, cities, roads and other incident of civilization. All done seemingly in a spirit of self- denial, patience, fortitude and patriotism! I have just finished reading a little book by Austin Phelp, "Our Country," in which he says, among many
Letter from Stephen D. Parrish, 9 August 1892

Aug 9, 1892