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Day in the Life

Aug 21, 1892

Journal Entry

August 21, 1892 ~ Sunday

Aug 21, 1892
^Sunday^ Brother Tyler who was shot was quite comfortable
to day We Met in the tent which I ocupied to
Partake of the Sacrament W. Woodruff Prayed & G Q
Administerd the Sacrament I addressed my
Friends Present gave a History of my Joining
the Church & travels followed By President Cannon


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Letter from Andrew Wallwork, 21 August 1892

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Your favor of the 17th inst is recived naming me for a mission to Great Britain to leave Salt Lake City October 15th 1892. All being well I will try to be there. I am very respectffully your brother in the Gospel Andrew Wallwork James Bowns, Bishop All right. J. F. S.

Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896

21 [FIGURE] I wrote [FIGURE] 3 Letter to Wilford– Owen & Alice & sent Elias letter to his father in the Letter I wrote to him All the comp[an]y but myself have gone out to day Brother Cannon has gone to se if He can learn learn any thing from the Rail Road about the Letter sent him with our transportation tickets which have miscarreighd

Daybook, 12 August - 10 October 1892

Sunday 21 Brother Tyler who was shot yesterday was quite comfortable the morning was Attending to his chores

Letter from Teancum Pratt, 21 August 1892

Helper From Teancum Pratt. To President Woodruff Dear Bro Woodruff Having taken counsell of you about a year ago I want to briefly report up to the present You then told me to sell out everything at this place Go to Mexico, & see Bro Teasdale but not to be in a hurry in anything So I have plotted the Helper place into 700 lots. Sold 91 of them, removed my family to Spring Glen ward 2 miles: raised 30 acres of corn & potatoes, kept a small store for my family prin- cipally: the only ^store^ one here. Besides this I have opened a canal in the west of the Price valley which brings a fine


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Aug 21, 1892