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Day in the Life

Aug 30, 1892

Journal Entry

August 30, 1892 ~ Tuesday

^30^ I Paid $20 for Phebe Scholes Ticket we
were visited By several Men about taking out
Bear River on to the Land & selling to the Mormons
I had a vary Poor turn for 2 hours to day
I went home Poorly


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Scholes, Phebe Carter Saville
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
113 mentions


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Letter from Andrew N. Kongstrup, 20 August 1892

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In reply to your letter of the 20th inst. relative ^to^ a call to go on a mission. I will say that I am ready and on hand to respond to the call. your letter fails to state where I am called to, or when I am to leave, probably you purposly omited these things, until you recieved my answer, if so then I will state that I had just as soon go this fall as to wait longer But feel to leave that for you to say. I was born in Veth, Randers Co. Denmark

Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896

30 the company went to [Mary] visit the sweet water Dam

Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896

[upside-down text] Asahel H Woodruff went Sunday Night & Met with the Saints in Sandiego & Addressed them for about one hour Aug 30. on the gospel & had an interesting Meeting [end of upside-down text]

Letter from Arthur Stayner, 30 August 1892

Salt Lake City, Utah, Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q Cannon & Joseph F. Smith Dear Brethren: Will you kindly inform me whether or not it is the irrevocable determination and principle for future guidance of the Church, that the Church shall henceforth possess no pro- perty of any kind save that which is used strictly for religious and sacred purposes. I have been laboring under the impression that it is possible for you to come into possession of an income of at least $1,000 a day net for a few years by the expenditure of but a small sum now. Unless you have established the above as the principle of the Church, and if you will appoint one or more men who will give their undivided attention to the investigation for three days, giving time to visit the property I freely assert that I can convince them or him of the truthfulness and stability of my proposition. Your committee lately appoint- ed sent out a man who concealing his object and purpose examined the mine and sent samples of ore and unquali- fiedly corroborated the assertions made by myself and my experts.


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Aug 30, 1892