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Day in the Life

Aug 31, 1892

Journal Entry

August 31, 1892 ~ Wednesday

31 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to day I had an interview with
the Bear Liver [River] Irrigaters I met with Nephi Clayton
and subject of the Rail Roads talked off


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Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896
31. Aug Several of our Brethren Met with us to go out on a fishing excursion. They were Olef Hammer & wife Elders P T Wright & wife E. A. Bushman Joseph A Barry & Miss Cooper of San Diego Capt Paulson took myself ^Emma^ President Cannon & wife with the rest of our company abov Named Capt Paulson with his Little steamer carried by gassotine took us on board & went out to sea with us on to the fishing Grounds about 8 miles
Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896
Aug 31, [18]96 The Captain tied 5 lines to the stern of the Steamer & gave me the centre line These lines were for trolling for fish they were about 200 feet long the Hooks were without baarbs and fastened with fine wire onto a white bone we did not use any beat [bait] at all the fish seeing the white bone grabed it [it stalls] it was the Most interesting fishing I Ever had in my life we fished about 2 Hours & caught some 600 lbs of fish they were spanish Mackerels yellow tails And Baracuda I caught the Largest Mackerel would weig[h] some 12 to 15 lbs. They kept us very busy for a while Emma caught quite a Number of them & helpt me Haul in quite a Number of my Makl
Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896
The fish that we caught would Measure near 3 feet in length it was the Most exciting look fishing I ever was in They were put into the Hands of our Friends who went with us I think they gave most of them away to their acquaintances we were some what weary when we got to our quarters


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Aug 31, 1892