Day in the Life

Oct 4, 1892

Journal Entry

October 04, 1892 ~ Tuesday

4. [FIGURES] I wrote 2 Letters. The Deseret News Company
met with the Quorum of the Twelve Partook of the sacrament
together talked over our Political situation and Expressed
our feelings frankley. The general opinion was
for none of the Presidency, Twelve or Presidents of Seventies
should take the stump to make political speeches

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Letter from Don C. Musser, 4 September 1892
near Haifa, ^Turkey^ The First Presidency Salt Lake City My dear Brethern! Refering to the desmise of our beloved Brother & fellow worker in the cause of truth, Adolf Haag, I will say he died of typhus yeasterday morning at five minutes past four. On the 16th of September, the day after I addressed you my last letter, Bro Haag was a gain taken ill and, not withstanding every thing, that human love and skill could suggest for his good, being done, he gradualy sank lower & lower untill the Angle of rest was sent to loosen the bands holding him to this earth of sorrow & pain, and bid his soul "Assend on high and be rewarded for the labors you have so willingly, and faith- fuly preformed." I was with him from th time he was taken sick untill his spirit was wafted above, and not once did I hear him complain I did not, I could not think he was so seriously ill. Not even when he got so weak I had to feed him and lift him from one bed to the other, did I realize I would soon have to part with my energetic & noble companion. And even now, after seeing
Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 4 October 1892
[end of sideways text] LATTER-DAY SAINTS' EUROPEAN PRINTING PUBLISHING AND EMIGRATION OFFICE. 42, Islington, Liverpool Oct 4th 1892 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a letter from Elder Don C. W. Musser a few days since dated Haifa, Palestine Sept 6th 1892 in which he says he and Elder Adolf Haag arrived there on August 31st by way of Alexandria Port Said and Jappa. There are but two members of the Church at Haifa. Bro Grau and Sister Kegel, the latter an old lady who was desirous of donating 100000 franks for the Turkish Mission, and had paid him 500 franks of the amount. He states that since arriving in Turkey Bro Haags health has not been good, and the day before he wrote which would be Sept 5th he complained of not feeling quite well and so went and laid down. In about an hour he awoke burning up with fever, in a few moments he was so weak he could hardly sit up and his heart was very much affected, and for a time Bro Musser was very much alarmed. He administered to him, and his heart became better but his fever was alarmingly high, he doctered him as best he could all day but about 3 oclock in the morning be became worse. They gave him a good sweating and when he woke he appeared to be better and was


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Oct 4, 1892