Day in the Life

Oct 17, 1892

Journal Entry

October 17, 1892 ~ Monday

17. ^ An arrow^ Presdent Cannon got a Telegram this morning
from his [sognh] saying that his Brother David
died this morning at 9 oclok in Jermany 21 years old
President Cannon his Father telegraphed for his
Body to be brought home

I spent the day in the office & met with board
of Z.C.M.I. And attended to the business Necessary
I met with quite a Number of visitors


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9 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions


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Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 17 October 1892
[end of sideways text end] LATTER-DAY SAINTS' EUROPEAN PRINTING, PUBLISHING, AND EMIGRATION OFFICE. 42, Islington, Liverpool, Oct. 17 1892 Prest. W. Woodruff & Counsellors Dear Brethren: Your favor 16th oct. received. I am grateful to you for Contents, and have failed to carry out your kind per- mission to close the printing in this office perevious to Bro Andersons departure. However we have counselled over the situation tho- roughly, I believe, and have Concluded to shoot up the press and let that ^work^ out first. Bro A. was opposed to shutting up the composing loan; ^he^ thought we could do better to keep it running for the present. I shall consider it thoroughly before I move contrary to his advise in this matter. I am strongly impressed to leave the building, and shall work with that end in view, as the Lord opens the way and the spirit intimates. I have called my son Albert into the office & also Bro. Callister. Albert has taken Bro. Cut- lers place. Wilby is here and has the spirit of his mission, we shall get on very well no doubt. The fog and rain, cold damp atmosphere, were telling on me and I wanted my son near me. He is Competant


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Oct 17, 1892