Day in the Life

Oct 19, 1892

Journal Entry

October 19, 1892 ~ Wednesday

19 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Mary & ^{sent no money}^ Anna Wilkonson
Met with John Morgan & Lorus Pratt


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Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
169 mentions

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Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 19 October 1891
Logan Prest Wilford Woodruff. Geo. Q. Cannon J. F. Smith Dear Brethern We take this opportunity of calling your attention to the request made by us, that an appropriation of 500000 be made to the Cache Stake Tabernacle and which met with your approval. Praying that circumstances are such, that you can appropriate the amount. We remain your Brethren Orson Smith S. M. Molen Isaac Smith Average stock, 1500, [Average] general ^[graine]^ produce, bal.


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Oct 19, 1892