Day in the Life

Oct 29, 1892

Journal Entry

October 29, 1892 ~ Saturday

Oct 29, 1892
In company with Owen I took cars and rode
to Logan & Smithfield to see my sick Daughter 105 m[iles]
I found Bell vary sick we administer to her
and she was better I spent the day visiting the
families Frank J Cannon was holding a Meeting in the place


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933
Moses, Phoebe Arabell Woodruff
30 May 1859 - 7 Sep 1939
167 mentions


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Letter from Ebenezer Young Taylor, 29 October 1892

Salt Lake City, President W Woodruff Dear Bro, Your favor of 28th Inst. notifiying me that I have been selected as a missonary to New Zealand, has been recieved. I will say that I hold myself subject to any call you may make upon me; but deem it best to state my circumstances financialy; and shall then be goverened by your counsils; I am at present owing money upon which I am paying some $80 per Dollars per Month Interest; and have my business in such a shape that to leave it would be a very heavy loss; Still if you say go, I will make best disp- asition possible of my affa[i]rs; some date in the future might give me an opportunity to put myself in a better condition. Your Brother Ebenezer Y Taylor I would give him six months or a year, to arrange his business and he can report when he gets ready. How would it do to call T. Eddie? J. F. S.

Letter from George L. McAllister, 29 October 1892

Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter informing me that I have been selected to go on a mission to the Southern States. I unsesitatingly accept the honor thus confered upon me, trusting that my lack of ability to properly discharge the important duties of a missionary may be made up by God's blessing. I think it is advisable to inform you that the office I at present hold is that of a Teacher. I state this because I believe it is usual for missionaries to be appointed from higher quorums in the preist- hood. However, I shall be prepared to be set apart and start for my field of labor at the designated time. Your humble brother Geo. L. McAllister. John Tingey Bp 17th Ward All right. He could be ordained here. J. F. S. but better be ordained at home.

Letter from Nephi Lowell Morris, 29 October 1892

Salt Lake City, Utah President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: This morn- ing I received a notification for a Southern states mission and inquiry regarding my feelings as to the matter. I would state that I have no other feelings than those of acceptance and will endeavor to be prepared for departure on the date named in notice, December 3rd 1892 Your Brother, Nephi S. Morris I endorse the calling of my Son, Nephi for a mission would prefer, and he would, if he hwas called to England, instead of S. States, but he is willing to abide your dictations in the matter. Elias Morris Bishop. Let him go to Eng. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel N. Cook, 29 October 1892

Willard City, Utah, April Pres. Wilfrod Woodruff. Dear Brother In reply to yours of the 6th inst in regard to my taking a mission to England to start on Nov. 19th will say I will endeavor to be on hand at the time named, if I can raise the necessary means by disposing of some stock, which I think I can. Very Respectfully Your Brother in the gospel Samuel N. Cook. Willard Utah. A[page torn]am Zundel Bp O.K. J. F. S.


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Oct 29, 1892