Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1892

Journal Entry

December 15, 1892 ~ Thursday

15 I met with Mr Salisbury we met with
the Board of Z.C.M.I. and herd the report of Nov
of the institution I wrote to Newton


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Woodruff, Newton, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
156 mentions

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Letter from John Mills Whitaker, 15 December 1892

Salt Lake City, Utah, PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF AND COUNSELORS. DEAR BRETHREN: I am instructed by the First Council of Seventies to forward to you the enclosed communication from the 24th Quorum of Seventies. The Council desire to know what answer they shall make. The difficulty in the case arises from the statement that the Bishop has been instructed not to endorse the names of brethren suggested as missionaries, unless they can give written guarantee that neither they nor their families will require assistance during their absence. The Council desire me to ask if such are the instructions to Bishiops. Very Truly Your Brother, John M. Whitaker. Gen[eral] Sec[retar]y.

Letter from Willis E. Robison, 15 December 1892

Pres Wilford Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother Somthing like a year ago Elder William Delieu of the Loa ward was called on a mission to Holland but was unable to go at that time, and was accordingly released until circumstances were diferent with him when he was requested to report him- self in readiness. Bro Delieu now wishes me to write you that he is ready to go in the spring if he is wanted then, and if so would like to know so he can make his arrang- ments Your Brother in the gospel Willis. E. Robison Bishop of Loa ward See over.

Letter from Rudger Clawson, 15 December 1892

Brigham City, Utah, Prest W. Woodruff Dear bro; Our apportionment for the Temple is $2800.00 Herewith find check for $140000 Kind regards, Your bro. Rudger Clawson BJ Rxlg

Letter from Henry Lewis Woodruff, 15 December 1892

Macon Ga, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir, It is with pleasure that I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the "Presentation" Copy of "The Contributor," for Sept. 1892, containing an Illustra- ted description of your "Birthplace," and of very many striking incidents of your early life. You can hardly realize with what intense interest I receive such biographical sketches, from which we gather the valuable personal facts of our Family History. The familiar pictures of the New England Homes, of yourself and your Ancestors, brought vividly to mind our own Family Home

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Phebe A Snow $10 Christmas $20 30


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Dec 15, 1892