Day in the Life

Dec 24, 1892

Journal Entry

December 24, 1892 ~ Saturday

24 I spent the day at home we had gathered
together our children & Grand children untill we
had a room full

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Letter from William Greene, 24 December 1892

Jonesville, Lee Co., Virginia, . Mr. Wilford W. Woodruff, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, Dear Brother: I enclose a remittance of ten Dollars to be applied on the Temple of the Lord at Salt Lake City; Five dollars of which I send and the other Five is sent by Armina my wife. If the remittance was one hundred it would give me more pleasure. I have faith that the Lord will dedicate, or in other words his servants will, on the 6th day of April next, his Temple at Salt Lake City and that you will live to be there on that day in health and strength and take such part in the work as the Lord has allotted for you to do. In Faith in Christ, I remain your Brother, Wm Greene.

Telegram from Brigham Young Jr., 24 December 1892

116 g Ha ad 7 London Received at Salt Lake City, 2:43 pm Quickmere Salt Lake Thank God and Brethren York -[CODE FOR BRIGHAM YOUNG, JR.?]-

Letter from Thomas X. Smith, 24 December 1892

Logan To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints Dear Brethren your faver of Dec 21st contaning order for one thousand Dollers Produce on Logan tithing office Recived, for which accept my heart- felt thanks for your kind consideraten twards me. I feel thankful for the intrest the Brethren have taken in my behalf. Praying the Lord to Bless you, with kind Regards I am your Brother Thomas X Smith, Bp, Fourth Ward of Logan City.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid to Sarah in 814.00 814 10 Total for the year 1892 $825


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Dec 24, 1892