Day in the Life

Dec 26, 1892

Journal Entry

December 26, 1892 ~ Monday

26. This day was spent for Christmass we had
our Christmass Dinner I had a large company
of children & Grand children and a plesant day

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Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 26 December 1892
New Zealand . President Wilford Woodruff and Counsellors, Dear Brethren, I have just granted releases to Elders C. W. Taylor and M. Bennion who have been humble, diligent, and faithful in all their duties in this land. They return by way of Asia and Europe, hence it will be several months before they reach Zion. I received the draft in due time for their return fares. Four Elders will be released in April viz: Elders Madsen, Hales, Andrus & Dolling for whom please forward the necessary funds. Our Annual Conference for the Northern districts has just closed and very satisfactory reports were given by the Presidents of districts. Most of the Elders laboring in the Mission were present and all are in the enjoyment of good health. MyThe proposition for the publication of the Ready References was well received and unanimously sustained. I believe it would be quite beneficial if some of the Elders who have formerly labored successfully amongst the Maories could occasionally be returned & I respectfully submit this suggestion.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Sondries {shortland} $20 Susan C Schols 20 40 see page 33 $7312 12 Aspen Bill $40 55 Tithig 150 $190 Laplata & Sundow sto[c]k 500 Page 33 $690


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Dec 26, 1892