Day in the Life

Jan 9, 1893

Journal Entry

January 09, 1893 ~ Monday

9 Brother Smith the guard came down & spent the fornoon
with I done a little Journal writing in the Afternoon I was
quite Poorly through the night


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Letter from Albert Brown Thomas, 9 January 1893

Spring Lake, Utah P.O. Box, L Payson, U.T President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother. In response to the call that is made on me by you to be in Salt Lake March 3rd next ready for a mission to the Southern States. Will say, that I am willing to go. I will say however that I am not prepared financially and that I so stated my condition to the brethren here before my name was sent up as a prospective missionary. My family can support themselves I think but I have no money, nor no property that I can sell. Except bees and I don't think I could sell them as the honey season was so poor last year so the bee men are rather discouraged. I will say again in conclusion that if the way is opened up financially that I want to go on that mission. Your Brother in the gospel A. B. Thomas Jonathan S. Page Jr Bishop Payson Second Ward I would extend his time until he can raise the means to go with. J. F. S.

Letter from Christian George Christiansen, 9 January 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: I have recieved your letter calling me to start on a mission to Scandinavia next April. But as I am a poor man I can not possible get means enough to go at that time, however I feel to respond to to the call as soon as I am abl to gather sufficient means. Your brother in the Gospel C. G. Christiansen Wm L Skidmore Bp. Let him report when he gets ready. J. F. S.

Letter from Charles George Turner, 9 January 1893

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I recieved your letter of January 6th 1893, informing me that my name hats been accepted as a Missionary to the Southern States There is no obstacles to hinder me from going. I will except the appointment and will be in Salt Lake City to be set apart on the date appointed Your Brother in the Gospel Charles G. Turner O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from Evan Jones, 9 January 1893

Logan President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother I would say in regard to your letter to me, of Dec 28th that my name has been accepted to go on a Mission. I would say by the help of God My Eternal Father I will use evey effort to fill this Mission. I am not over burden with means but I have faith in God that he will open up they way for me

Letter from Hans Poulsen Rasmussen, 9 January 1893

Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro: I am in receipt of a letter from the first presi- dency of the church, calling me on a mission to New Zealand, and am direc- ted to leave on the 3rd day of March, of this year. Now, while I am perfectly willing to obey this call, and would not under ordinary cir- cumstances refuse, I must of necessity ask you for an extension of time. The reason I assign for not being able to go now, is that I am indebted, and

Letter from Hyrum Carter, 9 January 1893

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother your letter came safe to hand, and in reply do say: I am willing to obey ^the^ call that is made upon me. I feel my weakness very much in entering upon such important duties. I am willing to go and fill my mission to the best of my ability, trusting in the Lord for his aide and assistance, and I feel to honor and obey the Priesthood that is placed over me, and in my humbly may do the best that I can, where ever my lott may be cast, and if all is well I will be ready, at the time you have Apointed for me to go

Letter from George Teasdale, 9 January 1893

President Woodruff, Salt Lake City. My beloved brother: As I cannot see you face to face I sit down to have a chat with you through this medium of pen & paper. It has been brought to my no- tice that I am not so free as my kind friends would wish me to be. I was indicted for "polygamy and unlawful cohabitation," the same as aAnson V. Call. I see, by the papers, that whilst he had both cases dismissed, I have only one, that of polygamy. Now the question naturally arises, why? Why am I still held to answer for unlawful cohab- itation, while others have both counts dismissed? I think it was in the fall of 1885, I had a paper sent to me, where it was published, I was indicted for "polygamy and unlawful cohibitation," and it has frequently been referred to here. The Saints in ths Mission do not seem very anxious for me to be free for fear I should wish to leave here and labor in Utah. But so far as that is con- cerned I am willing to labor wherever the Lord wishes me, and to make myself contented to labor wherever my lot may be cast. I am

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 9 January 1893

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah U. S. A. Dear Brother Your esteemed favor of the 23rd ult. just to hand. Please accept my thanks for your kind consideration towards me in consenting to the loan me the cash as I collect it from the saints here although I have not as yet collected one dollar as the winter closed upon us about the middle of November with a few inches of snow and it it continued to increase until the last ^half^ of Dec. we had 18 inches on the level and stock began to suffer. But the Lord in his mercy sent along a chinook on new years day which soon caused it to vanish & now some of the brethren are plowing. What a change in 10 D[ay]s or 2 weeks. Two weeks ago wethe mercury stood 24 Degrees below zero. Now it ranges between 40 & 50 above 0 and the people and Stock all rejoice in the agreable change.


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Jan 9, 1893