Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1893

Journal Entry

January 20, 1893 ~ Friday

20 Dr Wm Smith called upon me about his family
we went to the Temple & Examined our affairs we decided
upon several matters in the Temple


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Letter from Lorenzo Durfee, 20 January 1893

Almo Cassia co Idaho Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I can say in inswer to the favor of 12th. inst of the sec Bro Geo Reynolds that I will try and be on hand the time first set for my departure that is March 3rd 1893 you will please give me such instructions as you deem desirable Your Brother in the Gospel Lorenzo Durfee

Letter from Parley Pratt Parrish, 20 January 1893

Peterson Jan. 20, 1893. President Woodruff, Dear Brother; I take pleasure in answering your letter of the 10th inst. I will say that I feel willing to respond to the call made of me. I may not have enough available means to meet the demands of a very expensivee mission, as I have been att ending school for some time past, but father will help bare my expenses if meeds be, or I would be willing to sac- rifice some property for the rewards of a faithful mission. I am well satisfied with

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl 4 Emma 5 Emma 3.21 [illegible] 14 26

Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 20 January 1893

Prests: Wilford Wodruff George. Q. Cannon Joseph. F. Smith. Dear Brethren: We are very short of elders: many, whose time has nearly expired, wish very much to be home at the Dedication. A number have applied to be released in time to put in their spring crops, or their years work is lost. Some must be released in con- sequence of ill health. All this, makes it nec- cessary for me to remain in touch with this office, but I must have a warmer climate than England. The devil has had a great time in Denmark, near Copenhagen. L. C. Miller, P. C. Gurtsen Jr. and H. C. Hansen, elder[s] from home, and many of the Aarhus branch have received great demonstrations through the visitation of Angels and God Himself (?) through a Mrs. Jensen, whom this great being called first a poor woman; but after the elders had stood guard over her for 11 days and nights, [c]asting the devil out of her many times, was


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Jan 20, 1893