Day in the Life

Jan 28, 1893

Journal Entry

January 28, 1893 ~ Saturday

28. I spent the day at home reading {I sent a letter} to {[illegible shorthand]}

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Letter from Timothy S. Hoyt, 28 January 1893
Nephi President Woodruff dear Brother I reseived your letter on the 27 inst and felt thankfull that I was counted worthy of that high and holly calling and I am ver sorry to have an ecuse but I met with an accident about two years and a hlf ago dislocating my insteep joint whitch while has never got strong. So fut what it gives out when I walk very myuch I am a farmer but have had to hire or rent ^my farm^ as it is ^it^ was twoo match walking for my foot therefore I feare I could not doo justice too a mision or to ^my^ foot but you can take it intoo consideration and if you think proper I will try it I am your Brother in the Gospel
Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 28 January 1893
Prest. Woodruff Cannon & Smith S L C Utah Dear Brethren: I am glad to inform you that we are all moving along well and awaiting your selection of elder to act during the intiergnum. I am fondly hoping you will answer my letter by cable, but I shall wait patiently as possible. The miserable break made by elders and saints in Denmark of which I wrote is healed up and the work going on smoothly again. The brethren repented in sackcloth and ashes so far as I can learn so have the deceived of the saints. Pardon me for suggesting that a competant committee be appointed to overhawl the hym^n^ book. I am much con- cerned about it, but will not tell my troubles they may easily be discovered by properly appointed persons. We have tried to past a patch over the line or word a "sinful” sacrifice for sin. Bro. Reynolds knows the hymn. there are corrections need- ed, badly needed in other places. Love to Brethren. Hoping you are well. I am your Bro. B. Young
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 28 January 1893
Rexburg, Idaho, Prest. W. Woodruf Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Our conference will be Sunday and Monday 12 & 13th Feb. at Louisville. Brother John R. Pooles' case will come up and there are several Bishops and a Patriarch to be ordained. Brother Poole has been ordained a Patriarch in this stake and is a member of long standing in the church we therefore feel that we would like to have some of the Presidency or members of the apostleship present. The health of the people is good here generally and we are having good weather Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks


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Jan 28, 1893