Day in the Life

Feb 27, 1893

Journal Entry

February 27, 1893 ~ Monday

27. I spent the day at in the office Owen started for Calafornia
with the Missionaries at 11 oclock on the 25. I Paid $120 at the
Bank for Abram Owen


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary


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Letter to David King Udall, 27 February 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. David K. Udall, Springerville, Ariz. Dear Brother: It has been brought to my attention that some of the Presidents of Stakes do not fully understand the communication I addres- sed to them on the 24th inst. with regard to ^those to^ whom recommends should be granted to attend the dedicatory services at the Temple in this city. In that letter I used the words "ordinary recommend," intending that that expression should convey to the minds of the brethren the idea that such should be granted subject to the usual provisions and restrictions, or those members of the church that you could not recommend to the blessing of the House of the Lord should neot be recommended to the privileges of its dedication. We do not deem it just or proper that those who have no[t] been living their religion, who have neglected their duties, or have wronged their brethren should have equal privileges with the faithful a[nd] the worthy. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 27 February 1893

P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah . Prest. F. A. Hammond, Bluff, Utah Dear Brother: It has been brought to my attention that some of the Presidents of Stakes do not fully understand the communication I addressed to them on the 24th inst. with regard to those to whom recommends should be granted to attend the dedicatory services at the temple in this city. In that letter I used the words "ordinary recommend," intending that that expression should convey to the minds of the brethren the idea that such should be granted subject to the usual provisions and restrictions, or those members of the church that you could not recommend to the blessings of the House of the Lord should not be recommended to the privileges of its dedication. We do not deem it just or proper that those who have no[t] been living their religion, who have neglected their duties, or have wronged their brethren should have equal privileges with the faithful and worthy? Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from S. R. Smith, 27 February 1893

Wilford Woodruff, President of the Mormons. Dear Sir: Allow me to addr- ess you once more, and let me say in the first place that I feel grateful for the books and pamphlets you sent me, although owing to my health I feel satisfied I will not be able to complete my proposed history. As yo- u know, I have completed one volume, "The First Thousand Years," which is not yet published, and I am in a posit- ion to say now that it is quite probable that it will not be, since Catholic publishers have informed me that they receive little encouragement to publish such works, they not being much sought after by Catholics. Now in regard to religion, perhaps you think I have addr- essed you somewhat roughly, but allow me to explain that t- ruth is truth, and that I cannot flatter or uphold anyone whom I know to be in error, although I do not believe you have been in error willfully, and therefore you have not been a hypocrite; you have simply been misled. If I am certain that I know you have been misled, and certain also that I know the Truth, do I not do you a great favor in placing the facts before you? This is, of co- urse, all I can do; it rests with you as to whether you will profit by these facts or not. I have shown you God's Church, and if you wish to be saved, it is certainly your duty to become a member of His Church. Your common good sense, I am certain, will oblige you to admit this. Our county is full of false religions, a-

Letter to Orson Smith, 27 February 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. Orson Simith, Logan, Utah. Dear Brother: It has been brought to my attention that some of the Presidents of Stakes do not fully understand the communication I addressed to them on the 24th inst. with regard to those to whom recommends should be granted to attend the dedicatory services at the temple in this city. In that letter I used the words "ordinary recommend," intending that that expression should convey to the minds of the brethren the idea that such should be granted subject to the usual provisions and restrictions, or those members of the church that you could not recommend to the blessings of the House of the Lord should not be recommended to the privileges of its dedication. We do not deem it just or proper that those who have no[t] been living their religion, who have neglected their duties, or have wronged their brethren should have equal privileges with the faithful and worthy? Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Lars Christensen, 27 February 1893

Richfield, Prest. Wilford Woodruff— Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 25th inst. is at hand. In reply to the same I will say that I am willing to respond to the call; but my circumstances are rather unfavorable for such an event just now. When I was released from the San Juan Mission, some years ago, I was about "broke up." Having a large young family I thought wise to borrow money, buy a home and get my family sheltered at once. Besides keeping my family, and meeting my obligations as a Church member, I have been unable to do much in paying what was borrowed, except the interest, Hence I am still owing several hundred dollars. There is a prospect of my being able to pay some of this during this season, and my affairs would be in a better shape for me to leave home next year. Nevertheless, if required so to do I will get ready to go soon as I can. Should my services be required, now or one year hence, please let me know, and I will endeavor to arrange my affairs accordingly. Respectfully Your brother Lars Christensen The foregoing is hereby endorsed Jos. S. Horne, Bp. Richfield 2nd Ward Give him a year, with our blessing, and when he gets ready let him report. J. F. S.

Letter from Miles Park Romney, 27 February 1893

Colonia Juarez. Elder Wilford Woodruff, Utah. Dear Brother: I receaved yousrs On the 23 pleased to here from you, I feel that the call is from God through his servants, I feel like doing the best I can in preparing for the call. There is no obstacle to hinder me from going if I can get the means, as this is a hard country. I am determind to go, And I shall make preperation for the same. I accept the call. Yours Truly, Joseph H. Turley M P Romny first Counseller to the Bp

Letter from Miles Park Romney, 27 February 1893

[end of upside down text]

Letter from L. M. Larson, 27 February 1893

Honeyville Box Elder co President Wilford Woodruff. Dear brother! yesterday we was favored with presence of Pres Lorenzo Snow, who to our joy and Satisfaction told the good people in this litle town— I say good people because they have payd three times as much to the Temple as was their allotment— now brother Snow told us about the arrange- ment to admit all worthy Saints to the dedicatory se[r]veces of The Temple. In conection therewith I came ^to^ think that allthough it is desired that all wor- thy member should have the previledge of hearing the dedication there will necesarely be a large number who cannot be pressent because a greate many will have to stay home in order to take care of Home an childeren as for Exampel the Bishops first councelor in this place thinks that he will stay home in order to give all babtized members

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

& for Party $20, $15 35

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid to Owen 120

Letter from Alonzo E. Price, 2 February 1893

Nephi Feb 27 1893 President. W. Woodruff Dear bro. Your letter of enquiry of the 26 ult came to hand, in reply will say that there is nothing to prevent my going except the state of my health, which is such that I have not been able to perform any work for the last 6 month and am not at present. I told Pres. Paxman that was all there was in the way of my going. If you think best for me to go I will try and be on hand but I fear that


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Feb 27, 1893