Day in the Life

Mar 9, 1893

Journal Entry

March 09, 1893 ~ Thursday

8 & 9 I spent these two days in the House mostly abed

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Letter from Joseph Smith Robison, 9 March 1893

Montpelier, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother, In your letter of Dec. 1st 92 stating that the time for my departure on my mission to Great Britain would be after the April conference but that you did not know the exact date, and for me, to write again in March when you could inform me when we would be expected to leave Salt Lake I should like to know as soon as you deside Most Respectfully Your Brother Jos. S. Robison

Letter from Lydia Adelaide Coombs Penniman, 9 March 1893

Milwaukee March 9 1893 President Welford Woodruff Dear Brother, Inclosed file as find post offic order for stwenty five dollars I wish ten dollars to go for tithing, the other for Temple fund. I wish it was was a great deal more. My heart is in the work. Pray for me that I may be permited to come and do a work for my dead. From your Sister in the Gospel of Christ [sideways text] Pray for my husband and my children [end of sideways text]

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 9 March 1893

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother I met your esteemed favor of the 24th ult. at Lethbridge, and take pleasure in stating that about 25 of the Canadian Saints will attend conference with the expectation of attending the dedication of the Temple. All were in good health when I left three days ago. I shall visit Teton Basin and Rexburg & be in your city about Apr 1st Your Brother in the Gospel Charles O. Card

Letter from C. F. Olsen, 9 March 1893

Hyrum, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: In order that I may be understood in the propert light, I respectfully call your attention to certain letters lately recieved by you from Jens Nielsen Lee, and Martine Andersen of Hyrum, in which certain accusaations are made against Bishop Wright of Hyrum. I wrote those letters for them at their dictation and was paid for so doing. I told them at the time, that I would not be responsi- ble for their contents, nor be a party thereto; as I was not, nor am not now in sympathy with the con- tents of said letters, knowing that muchany of the assertions were unreasonable and some even false. I was quite sure from past experience, too, that those letters would be brought to Bro. Wright's attention that he might defend himself in the matter, and consequently the parties who authorized their names attached would be the responsible ones and not I. In conclusion I would simply add that personally, I would be sorry to do anything to injure Bsihop Wright's reputation, or that of any of my brethren or sisters. I am, Yours in the Gospel, C. F. Olsen.

Telegram from Edwin Dilworth Woolley Jr., 9 March 1893

Received at President's Office, Salt Lake City, at 9:30 am Dated, Kanab, 8, To Prest. Woodruff, Will mail balance of our allotment for Temple this evening. E. D. Woolley. LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO.


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Mar 9, 1893