Day in the Life

Mar 19, 1893

Journal Entry

March 19, 1893 ~ Sunday

19. ^Sunday^ I spent the day at home reading

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Letter from Abraham Owen Smoot Jr., 19 March 1893
Provo City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Brother; I am directed by my father to inform you as to the condition of his health. For three days preceeding last evening he was improving in health very satisfactorly, but while bathing last night about 9 o'clock, in getting out of the bath-tub his feet sliped from under him causing him to fall with full weight upon the edge of the tub, causing a slight fracture of two of his ribbs on the left side immediately over the heart, from which he has suffered last night and today consid- erable pain, though he is in as favorable a condition as could be expected under the circumstances. We anticipate no serious results from the accident and expect him to be around again in a week or so if nothing unforseen developes in the mean-time. Trusting you are in your usual good health, with regards from father and family I am Your brother in the Gospel A. O. Smoot Jr.
Letter from M.S. Fielding, 19 March 1893
Sunday Evening Honored President My husband has just read the Address in last evenings News its splendid to make amends and explanations and atonements for real or fancied grievances but what is that we saw in the News some two weeks ago about a Mr White had a grievance against you and presidents Cannon and Smith. My brother Robert Mortensen worked for Mr White last Summer out at lake. Robert tells me you are making a resort out at the Lake on a long pier I hope and pray


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Mar 19, 1893