Day in the Life

Mar 23, 1893

Journal Entry

March 23, 1893 ~ Thursday

23 I spent the day with my councillors & the Twelve Apostle
& we had a glorious day All of us were United as the
Heart of one Man. Moses Thatcher was sick and not with
us we partook of the sacrament And took supper with
Joseph E Taylor instead of yesterday I had a vary
interesting meeting with my family in the Evening


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Taylor, Joseph Edward
11 Dec 1830 - 13 Feb 1913
446 mentions

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Letter from Edith Ann Lemmon Stevens, 23 March 1893
President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Sir: Will you please remember me in your prair at the dedacation of the salt lake temple as my eyes has been greatly afflicted for over four years and for the last two years I have been greatly aflicted with a Catarrh in my head my lungs are very bad and also my kidneys as I was seting reflecting on my dreadful situation and I heard as plain as words could
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
To Emma $6 $10, $4, $4, $20 44


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Mar 23, 1893