Day in the Life

Mar 25, 1893

Journal Entry

March 25, 1893 ~ Saturday

25 We spent this day in fasting & Prayer throughout
Utah which Done a great Deal of Good


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Letter from Abraham Owen Smoot and Wilson Howard Dusenbury, 25 March 1893
PROVO, . 189[3] President Wilford Woodruff and ^Gen.^ Board of Education, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren:— Replying to your letter of the 17th inst; The undersigned for and in behalf of the Brigham Young Academy herewith submit reports from the Treasurer, and the Principal, showing the present financial and educational condition of the Institution, to the consideration of which we invoke your es- pecial attention. Preliminiary to said examination we submit the following; When in the year 1890 the heirs of the late Prest. Brigham Young relinquised by deed all their interest and control of certain properties in this City, which he had transfered to the Trustees of this Academy; and a new Board of Trustees had assumed control thereof, the demands for better accommodations than the Z.C.M.I. Ware-house affordeed, swere such that the Trustees could not consistently refuse to begin the erection of the building upon the foundation theretofore ladid. A careful estimate of the value of the property was made


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Mar 25, 1893