Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1893

Journal Entry

March 27, 1893 ~ Monday

27. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from A Badlam I had a good Deal
of company through the day spring is opening sun shining


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Letter from A. Wilkins, 27 March 1893

to the Secretary of Mormon temple Utah Dear Sir Since I saw a notice in our news Papers of your Baths which you have Just had compleated in Pittsburg, P.a, I have made some Enquiries & have been reading up in such works at my disposial I am becoming more & more favourable to your church. had I the money I would Pack up take my wife & come to your city & investigate for myself. I am taking A bible course in Bethony college to fit My self for the christian ministry am a member of the diciples or more comonly known as Cambellites I should very much like to visit

Letter from John Jenkins James, 27 March 1893

Providence Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I am pleased to inform you that I will be ready to go on mission to Great Britain, as you have directed, any time after the 25th of April next. Please inform me when you would have me go. Your brother in the gospel, John J. James. All right. J. F. S.

Letter from George Emmett Browning Sr., 27 March 1893

To the First Presidency of the Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Your highly esteemed favor of the 28th. ult. came duly to hand the 17th. inst., Elders A. M. Durham and Thos. D. Adams and their wives also arrived here in safety, and in the enjoyment of good health and spirits on the same date, for which we feel very thankful; the five Elders who were on their road to New Zealand were also in good health and spirits. I have decided to send Elders Durham and Adams with their wives to labor on the Friendly Islands, and they will start for their destination on the steamer that will leave here for Tonga on April 10th. We are very much pleased with the tracts for Tonga which will be a great benefit to the mission, and will be of val- uable assistance to the Elders in their labors. I am very thankful to our heavenly Father to be able to report that all the Elders and Sisters laboring in this part of the Lords vineyard are in the possession of good health, and we look forward to the future with strong hopes of seeing a more abundant harvest of souls joined to the Church by baptism than has been the case in the past. We shall hold Conference for the saints on this island on April the 8 and 9th., after which I expect to visit the

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

cash from Jack {shorthand} 42 75


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Mar 27, 1893