Day in the Life

Apr 2, 1893

Journal Entry

April 02, 1893 ~ Sunday

2 Sunday I spent the day at home was quite unwell

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Letter from Don Carlos White Musser, 2 April 1893
Jaffa First Presidency Salt Lake City U. S. A. Dear Brethern: I am in receipt of your favor of Feb. 14th. with enclosed Imperial Ottoman Bank draft No. 2887 for 500.00, Five hundred, francs. In your above refered to letter you ask me to send you a few copies of the tracts I have had prin- ted. Oon the 15th of last September I addressed a communication to you, in which I explained how it was I was unsuc- cessful in obtaining the tracts I had ordered, and paid for, at Austria. Since then I have heard nothing of them. Through the kindness of a Mr Heilpern I have a letter of introduction to a publishing house in Jerusalem whare, I am assured by Mr. Heilpern, I will be able to get our tracts printed without dif- ficulty and at the usual charges. As soon as practicable I will go to Jerusalem and see what I can do. I am pleased to hear we are to have a nother missionary in this part of the field, and that there are steps being taken at home in the way of educateing elders for this


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Apr 2, 1893