Day in the Life

Jun 6, 1893

Journal Entry

June 06, 1893 ~ Tuesday

June 76, 1893
I received 3 Letters & wrote 1 to Wilford I spent the
day in the office had a good deal of company


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Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions


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Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 6 June 1893
Rexburg, Idaho, Prest W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Bishop George Davis of Wilford resigned at the ward conference held Sunday May 28th. There was dissatisfaction in the ward which has existed before and since our letter to you of 3/17/1890, and the action of Brother Davis now, is in accordance with our suggestion to him as you advised us Mar. 24, 1890. The Presidency of the Stake and High Council had the matter under consideration at there last meeting and now beg to recommend for Bishop of Wilford Brother Reuben Belnap late First Counselor to Brother Davis. Kindly inform us if you approve of Brother Belnap and oblige Your Brethren in the Gospel T E Ricks Yes. And when any of the Apostles can meet there the B'prick can be set in order. J. F. S. Bro. Gibbs should call attention to this on Thurs. [J. F. S.]


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Jun 6, 1893