Day in the Life

Jun 10, 1893

Journal Entry

June 10, 1893 ~ Saturday

10 I spent the day at Brother Smoots several Brethren called in


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Letter from Albert Ricks Smith, 10 July 1893
First Presidency of the Church Salt Lake, Dear Brethren: In response to your circular letter of Junue 1st asking us to send a number of names of persons who would would be interested in, and suitable for Sunday School missionary work, we make the following report; After due diligence is seeking for the persons with the necessary qualifications, and who are also willing to accept such a mission, we recommend. Joseph F. Thomas, Manassa Colo, who desires to attend the first course of instruction, and Ira B. Whitney and Mary E. Heiselt, Sanford Colo. who desire to attend the second course. Your Brethren in the Gosple Albert R. Smith Wm Christenson
Letter from Alfred Solomon, 10 June 1893
President Woodruff and Council Geo Q Cannon and Joseph F Smith Salt Lake City Dear Brethren I have received Your kind Letter informing me of the appointment of Apostle A. H. Lund to the Presidency of the European Mission Also giving me the privelege of remaining here longer in the mission or returning Home according to my better judgement. I would say in regard to that Section of Land I filed on, in Deseret, the time to prove up on it, expired last July, but my being in this Country Mr Hobbs the Land Agent kindly extended tohe time, for one Year, which will expire next month July, and I think it should be advertised one month in advance of proving up. takeing this in view, I thought if President Lund arrive, as we expect, I would leave here on the Alaska, Sailing Jun 17th. We have Ninety Six Scandinavian Emigrants, and about Thirty English, listed for that date, and five, or six, returning missionaries. We had four Elders as missionaries, arrive here per S S Nevada a few days ago all well, and were assigned their several fields of Labor their names are Elders Orson P Hoggan, John Burrows, John Wm Crook and George Thomas. In my returning Home I want to visit some Boot, ^&^ Shoe, and machinery Firms in Mass and New York State also spend a few days at the Worlds Fair. Brethren here in the office are all Well. With Prayers for Your Welfare I remain Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ Alfred Solomon. good. J. F. S.

Jun 10, 1893