Day in the Life

Jun 20, 1893

Journal Entry

June 20, 1893 ~ Tuesday

20 I went to the office in the morning attended to the business
of the day I& visited the rases in the Afternoon for a ride


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Letter from Erick E Hanson, 20 June 1893
Spanish Fork, Utah To Pres' Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro in answer to your note of June 2 and 10 concerning me taking a mission to theManitoba and enquiring concerning my Circumstances I am indebted to the ammount of $100, One Hundred Dollars—and Have a family of 7, consisting of self Wife and Motherinlaw and 4 children I own the House I live in but no other Property am the only suport of my family By Days GLabor I do not know when I could go but will leave my self in your hands. I Remain yours Respectully Erick Hansen Does he think he could get ready to take a mission in 6, 8 or 12 months? if so let him report then, and so note him down. J. F. S.
Letter from Lars Peterson, 20 June 1893
Independence Mo. President. Woodruff. Dear Brother, As you isare the second man I send the news, I hope you will rejoice also to know that the Lord has begun to fulfill his promise upon the land of Missouri. sec 59 v. 4 D.C. The Spirit of Elijah, has begun to deliver they keys to the revelations, and commandments of Jesus Christ. The one mighty and strong, has again begun to whisper, saying; prepare the Saints for the hour of judgment. The instruction received is as follow. If the latter day Saints will not fight against Zion which the Spirit, power, and the priesthood of Elijah is sent to build up by the book of Mormon as a Standard; and by the last records of the Bible; they shall be saved. But all those latter day Saints whom the first records of the Bible, and by the Spirit, power, and priesthood of Elias, can unite to the great and abominable Church, shall be damned.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Page 34 Paid to Emma $ Brought forward 950 65

Jun 20, 1893