Day in the Life

Jul 5, 1893

Journal Entry

July 05, 1893 ~ Wednesday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Asahel & spent the day in
the office I took a walk to the bank


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions


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Letter from Thomas Alvin Hunt, 5 July 1893

Monroe Utah Pres. Woodruff Dear Brother I recived your Letter stating that I was caled on a mission to the Samoa Iland. I was told that I was apt to bee called this fall & have been trying to bee ready to go when called but I am in the Sheep Bisness & I have just Shiped my Woll & onley got 6 1/4 ct advance on it & it Will not pay one half of my Deats and we canot tell wather I will get aney more or not I have a Wife & three Smawl children & I hardley think they can pay my dets

Letter to Daniel Duncan McArthur, 5 July 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. . President Daniel D. McArthur St. George Stake of Zion Dear Brother: In consequence of the stringent provisions of the Edmunds- Tucker law, it has heretofore been deemed necessary to require all persons desiring to be sealed in the temples, whether married or single, to first obtain a marriage license from the Country Clerk, but in view of the changed conditions of our affairs and the more liberal sentiment pre- vailing towards our people, it is believed that the hardship of requiring persons already legally married to get a license before being sealed for eternity may be dispendced with, and you are therefore advised that such licenses will no longer be required of persons who are already legally married to each other—they can be sealed for eternity without going through the useless formality and expense of getting a license, but they must come prepared to prove to the satisfaction of the brethren at the temple that they are legally husband and wife. Your Brethren in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter to Orson Smith, 5 July 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. . President Orson Smith, Cache Stake of Zion. Dear Brother: In consequence of the stringent provisions of the Edmunds- Tucker law, it has heretofore been deemed necessary to require all persons desiring to be sealed in the temples, whether married or single, to first obtain a marriage license from the County Clerk, but in view of the changed conditions of our affairs and the more liberal sentiment prebvailing towards our people, it is believed that the hardship of requiring persons already legally married to get a license before being sealed for eternity may be dispensed with, and you are therefore advised that such licenses will no longer be required of persons who are already legally married to each other—they can be sealed for eternity without going through the useless formality and expense of getting a license, but they must come prepared to prove to the satisfaction of the brethren at the temple that they are legally husband and wife. Your Brethren in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 5 July 1893

P.O. Box. B. Salt Lake City, Utah. . President F. A. Hammond San Juan Stake of Zion. Dear Brother: In consequence of the stringent provisions of the Edmunds-Tucker law, it has heretofore been deemed necessary to require all persons desiring to be sealed in the temples, whether married or single, to first obtain a marriage license from the County Clerk, but in view of the changed conditions of our affairs and the more liberal sentiment prevailing towards our people, it is believed that the hardship of requiring persons already legally married to get a license before being sealed for eternity may be dispensed with, and you are therefore advised that such licenses will no longer be required of persons who are already legally married to each other--they can be sealed for eternity without going through the useless formality and expense of getting a license; but they must come prepared to prove to the satisfaction of the brethren at the temple that they are legally husband and wife. Your Brethren in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter to Daniel Duncan McArthur, 5 July 1893

received: "Salt Lake City, Utah, . "President Daniel D. McArthur St George Stake of Zion. "Dear Brother: In consequence of the stringent provisions of the Edmunds-Tucker law, it has here- tofore been deemed necessary to require all persons desiring to be sealed in the temples, whether married or single, to first obtain a marriage license from the County Clerk, but in view of the changed conditions of our affairs and the more liberal sen- timent prevailing towards our people, it is believed that the hardship of requiring persons already legally married to get a license before being sealed for eternity may be dispensed with, and you are, therefore, advised that such licenses will no longer be required of persons who are already ^legally^ married to each other—they can


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Jul 5, 1893