Day in the Life

Jan 6, 1894

Journal Entry

January 06, 1894 ~ Saturday

6 I attended the priesthood meeting at the Assembly Hall
some 20 Men were called to be ordained Elders A M
gave instruction to the Meeting followed By
G. Q. Cannon & W. Woodruff


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Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions


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Letter from H. Edward Desaules, 6 January 1894

Kingston Piute Co . President Woodruff. Dear brother First beginnigng by wishing you an happy new year, good health and prosperity I conclude by saying that I am an old bachelor deaf from my birth and now sick from rupture of the bowels and other sickness inherent from it and from other causes so that I am incapacited from earning my own sustenance partially although able to work at odd times. Now the voice of the Spirit was telling me that I should go into the Temple to get my healing and forgiveness of my sins. I felt some doubts about going and the voice tolld me to writte to you as you are the Lord's anointed Prophet & Seer, & that you would tell me through the Lord what I should do. Therefore I shall await your answer & remain most respectfully your humble brother in the Gospel of Christ. H. Edward Desaules Kingston Piute Co Utah.

Letter from Job Pingree, 6 January 1894

To Presedent Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother find enclosed statistical Report from the time I arrived here until Dec 31, 1893. You will see only 3 familes, the others are, a wife or husband or one in a family. There are several members of the Church in this mission either on a visit, or at the different places of learning none of which are included in this report, as I supposed they would be included in the wards of which they are members; we have tried to get some who are in New York and around to meet with us but they are so busy with their studies and other matters so that with one exception we have failed; the members we have are very much scattered, and in many cases the leavings of years, the ones with much life as a [mle] having left for Utah, but still we have many good people left in these parts yet

Letter from Henry Nebeker Jr., 6 January 1894

Payson, President Woodruff Dear Bro in reply to yours of the 4 I was somewhat surprised to get a call to take the young mens Normal Course on account of my wife's health President. B. Crook has a faint idea how she is but not knowing has suggested my name I would like very much to take the Course if my means would allow me to move to Provo I have 8 in family and it would cost me considerable and to leave them it would not be safe when my wife has one of those Apoplexy Spells, it is all I can do to keep her on the bed there is no one on this earth knows

Letter from Oliver Cromwell Ormsby, 6 January 1894

Logan, Utah. Pres. W. Woodruff Dear Brother I inclose the name of Bro. Z. W. Israelsen of Hyrum, Cache Co who is ready to go to Provo to take the S. School Course—It is late it is true to submit names, but better late than never possibly. Truly Your Brother O. C. Ormsby stake Supt

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash to Mary $10 to Sarah $15 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received from church 10

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Emma $2, $1, $15 coal $6 24


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Jan 6, 1894