Day in the Life

Oct 13, 1894

Journal Entry

October 13, 1894 ~ Saturday

13 I met with the Power Company in the Morning and
spent most of the day in the office upon the Power Company Business


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Letter from Niels Peter Nephi Hansen, 13 October 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I always like to ask advice in maters of importance. I have been going with a good mormon girl for a year, we have been engaged for over six months, she is seventeen years old and I am twenty, she wants gto get married about Christmas. Will you please write and tell me what you think about it, Do you think it is wise for us to get married?

Letter from James Edward Talmage, 13 October 1894

Salt Lake City, . (Dictated). The First Presidency, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, City; Dear Brethren: In the early part of April last the subject of the proper ventilation of the Tabernacle engaged your attention; and you requested me to take charge of the matter and to instruct the custodians and deacons of the building in their duties. At your suggestion, the Stake Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake conveyed to me a similar request or appointment for all Stake proceedings in the Tabernacle. I am able now to make to yourselves and to the Stake Pres- idency a report on the subject. At the begin^n^ing of my labors I instituted a series of tests and experiments on the condition of the ienclosed air before, during, and after the regular Sabbath afternoon service. Without wearying you with data and details of the experiments, I announce a conclusion which might have been accepted from a reasonable study of the conditions, that unless adequate avenues of ingress and egress of air are provided, the air becomes dangerously vitiated within a few minutes after the congregation has gathered. According to measurements and calculations by Architect Don C. Young, the Tabernacle has an air capacity of 1,825,588 cubic feet; let us suppose the building to be occupied by 8000 adults; and let us allow to each the amount of air generally accept- ed as necessary to healthful respiration, viz., 3000 cubic feet of air

Letter from Lemuel Alexander Pace, 13 October 1894

New Harmony, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: On or about Sept. 15, 1892 Elder John Rohner was called on a mission to his native country, Switzerland, but being at that time not able to go on account of sickness he was notified to report him self when he was able to go; from that time on he was not able to attend to his affairs properly and on Oct. 12, he passed to the other side. I thought it propper to report the same to you. Your brother in the Gospel L. A. Pace. I guess we will be obliged to give him an honorable release from the call. J. F. S.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 13 October 1894

No 345 [end of sideways text] Freibergerplatz #20 IV bni A. Köbel, Dresden Altstadt, Sachson. My Beloved Father & Dearest Sister Alice, Excuse me when I write you both in one letter, answering yours of Sept. 25th & 25th respectivley. They were received last nigh just after I returned from a trip up the River and I assure you were read with much interest. Am pleased with the advancement Alice is making in her school & hope she will set her mark high & then work to it & not imagine she has enough schooling in two or three years but try to accomplish some end. Children here comence music when they are seven or eight years old & then when they grow older at about sixteen they can often play the most difficult pieces because their fingeres become accustomed to the keys of the Piano.s A few day ago we three Elders visited an old Gentleman about seventy years of age who said he had studied from childhood & he played us some most beautiful selections from the most noted writers of this age. We sang "O my Father" for him & then spent about four hours explaining the principiles of the Gospel to him. We dined with him and after an afternoon well spent we returned feeling fine. Many times we have the pleasure of bearing our testimony to wealthy people, which if nothing else will allay prejiduce against us. We have so little freedom that It is hard to accomplish any great work but we can at least fulfill our missions & warn


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Oct 13, 1894