Day in the Life

Oct 29, 1894

Journal Entry

October 29, 1894 ~ Monday

29. I spent the day in the offic {Emma had a bad spell in the [illegible shorthand].}


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions


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Letter from Martin Amasa Aldrich, 29 October 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother: The Republicans here are resorting to the subterfuge that you and Prest Cannon are going on the stump for Republicanism. That you are a republican, and are working upon the sympathies of the doubtful voters and others for them to vote as you desire them in that line. Now, I would like a line from you, not as to your political faith, but as to whether you desire such dis- picuble hward heelers to resort to such work in order to gain votes. An immediate reply will greatly oblige Your Brother Amasa Aldrich

Telegram from Samuel Carter, 29 October 1894

RECEIVED at SALT LAKE, UTAH. 445 pm Dated Weber Utah 29 To Prest W. Woodruff Meet casket Ogden tomorrow. Funeral Wednesday twelve oclock at Morgan. Sam'l Carter

Circular to the public, 29 October 1894


Letter from Henry S. Tanner, 29 October 1894

29-11 St San Francisco,, Cal. The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: The Hall on Market St I wrote to you about we were unable to secure when I received your letter. It had changed hands and the new proprietors had doubled on the rent; but we rented one just a block from it on Mission St, that will answer our purposes very well, for $10.00 rent. We have devised a new plan in this mission and have had 2,000 cards printed, inclosed you will find ^one^ a copy. We gave several of the cards to each of those who were at our meetings yesterday and all will take a part in this new kind of tracting. We had very good meetings yesterday and the people feel encouraged about our future work. Oakland is opening up very nicely. We hold one meeting a week there. Our force is very small, and we are anxious

Letter from George Goddard, 29 October 1897

To President Woodruff George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith Dear Brethren/ In reflecting over the crude and unsatisfactory way I answered your queries yesterday I have not felt good about it. I ought to have simply stated, that having so many years ^enjoyed^ my privileged labors in connexion with thousands of Sunday School Children and others, and fearing lest the duties of a new calling might necessitate my resignation from a position so long enjoyed, and the performance of whose duties, afforded such unalloyed pleasure to myself, and apparantly to tens of thousands of others, natuarally aroused serious reflections. I had the impression that the two positions could not be consistently held at the same time, viz that of a Patriarch, and the one I now hold. The assurances you gave me yesterday entirely dissipated my erronious idea, and with thankfulness and gratitude to my Heavenly Father for your kind consideration towards me I accept your Ordination blessing, and pray that I may fully appreciate and enjoy all the glorious gifts pronounced upon my head. Any suggestions or instructions you can give me will be very gratefully appreciated by Your friend and Brother in the Gospel George Goddard.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 29 October 1894

Prest. W. and Mrs. Emma S. Woodruff Dearest Father & Mother: Trust you will not have been worried about me as it is about ten days since I last wrote you. My day for writing is Saturday & last Saturday just as I had commenced to write there came a card that one of us should go at once to Freiberg, about thirty miles distant to admitnister to a sick sister who was very ill. I decided to go & so I laid all my business to one side & went as we must consider "duty before pleasure" That is why you did not get your letter as usual but then you will be just as glad to get it now as if it had come a week before. Well I went over & administered to the Sister who was delighted to see me & when I left yesterday she was feeling considerably better. She had a very bad case of lung fever & is real old so naturally her recovery will be slow. While over there I had the pleasure of preaching the gospel to a good many people & did more speaking in a short time than I have done in the same length of time since being in Germany. These people I found out afterwards are most all "Spiritualists" & naturally the spirits with which I had to contend with were not very pleasant. The first evening I found a family who would hear me & they invited in some friends. I had spoken to them for some time & of course they must acknow- ledge it was the truth but they ask me if it would

Letter from John Edson King, 29 October 1894

Ferron To Pres. Woodruff. Dear brother I received your letter some time ago—notifinying me that I was chosen to take the Sunday School Course at the Br. Y Acadamy, and will say that I accept the call with pleasure, and will endevor to make good use of my time while theirre and hope I will be able to do some good when I return home hoping to be allways prepared and willing to respond to every call that is made of me I remain your brother in the gosple. John E. King

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Tonder $7.60 on Barn 7 60 Paid for E Degard Taxes [18]94 18


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Oct 29, 1894