Day in the Life

Oct 31, 1894

Journal Entry

October 31, 1894 ~ Wednesday

31. In company with Emma & a car load of friends
I visited the Lehi Sugar Factory they filled a sack of
100 lbs of sugar in one Minute which would make
1440 sacks in 24 hours making 72 tons in 24 hours
it was to much for me to clime the stairs and
go throug the factory the Heat & steam made me sick
I returned at 1:30 Distance of the day 60 Miles


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions


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Letter from Alfred W. Nebeker, 31 October 1894
Randolph, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Your letter of the 18 inst notifying me of a Call to the Southern States came to hand a few days ago, and in answer will say that I except the Mission and will Endeaver to be on hand at the appointed time Your Bro in the Gospel Alfred W. Nebeker Archibald Mc Kinnon, Bishop All right. J. F. S.
Letter from Alfred W. Nebeker, 31 October 1894
Letter from Susa Amelia Young Gates, 31 October 1894
Agency at Provo, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: The Executive Committee of the B. Y. Academy held a meeting last night in accordance with the notification which I enclose to you in this letter. I told them that I have had no charges to make against the school, and that the purport of my remarks at Sis. Dougall's that night of our meeting was to place myself before the Presidency in a correct light; for I feared that the story of the immorality of the 16 young men at the Academy had grown out of the story I told in a private meeting held at Sis. Taylor's. It seems that I didnot succeed as I wished; and I greatly desire the opportunity of meeting with the First Presidency and repeating my story, which I endeavored to tell before. In fact the Executive Com. have


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Oct 31, 1894