Day in the Life

Dec 17, 1895

Journal Entry

December 17, 1895 ~ Tuesday

17. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen to Blanch All was bussel
at home preparing for the Morrow


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
282 mentions

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Estate Papers - Check stub, 17 December 1895

Date Payee Jaslin & Park 2200 Presents 800 Change No. 25

Letter from David Henry Cannon, 17 December 1895

St. George, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Elder Charles Lyman Russell has come here to attend to Ordinance work in connection wish his brother Alonzo H. Russell of Grafton, this Stake. Bro. Charles L. Russell resides at Woodland Wasatch Stake. He comes wish endorsement of his Bishop and Stake President [redacted text] In speaking wish him we find he was born 9th Oct 1815 at Ira, Rutland Co, Vt. Joined the Church, in Peterborough, N.H. in 1841. He gathered from Ver- mont to Utah in 1855 was Captain of a Company consist- ing of ten wagons wish Saints, Bro. Orson Pratt among the number, and some forty wagons loaded wish merchandise. His wife, Samantha Jane Buckland was born 1825 and died 30th March 1893. If you approve [redacted text] please return this to us. Your Brother in the Gospel David H. Cannon

Letter from Foster William Jones, 17 December 1895

Pres Wilford Wooruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother in regard to the call made upon me to go to the North ern States will say I am willing to go if I can obtain the means to go with. my affairs are in such a shape as up to date I have no very bright prospects but have faith I will be able to go as I am alone with no relatives to help me If I cannot get ready will notify you later and ask for a release of one year but will go now if possible these are the states of my aff affairs and would like you to accept of them as here stated and would like an answer in regard to it and will pray that the way will be opened I remain your brother in the cause of truth over

Letter from William Budge, 17 December 1895

President W Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Bro I received your letter of the 14th per Bro Reynolds, this morning, in relation to Bro Herbert Horsley, and by the same mail came Bro Horsley himself with a letter from his Bishop. Bro Horsley manifested a very good disposition, and I believe he is now under the influence of the right spirit, and I have considerable confidence that he will do a good work. He is an old friend of mine, and we had a confidential conver- sation which resulted in withdrawing any objection on my part to his going on his mission. I told him that the information the Presidency acted upon was sent by me, and why I felt under an obligation to send it. He did not dispute what I had heard. I had in the meantime sent for his Bro Thos Horsley, my informant, not knowing but Herbr Herbert might request my authority, but he did not, and I of- course let it rest not wishing to have possible trouble. Bro Horsley has not been slandered. The Bishops letters do not defend him, or justify him, only as to his present desires, all from good feelings on their part, as they think with all his friends that this mission is a turning point in Bro Horsleys life, and I have better hopes today for him than I have had for many years. I believe this check has been a blessing to him, and he went away feeling first-rate. I make a somewhat lengthy statement, as I do not wish to be considered too particular, and if I told you how long we have

Letter from John Thomas Jacobs, 17 December 1895

Pleasant Green The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday Saints, Dear Brethern, In reply to my call to take a mission to the Northenrn States I am prepared to go. But would prefere going to England as I have Relatives thear if it would be agreeable with you. Your Brother John Jacobs Very well. Unless demands in Eng. are filled, let him go there. J. F. S. [sideways text] Notify for Gt Britain 21 Mar. [18]96 [end of sideways text]

Letter from William Corcoran, 17 December 1895

My Dear Mr Woodruff I received your literature which you so kindly forwarded to me when I wrote you. I have studied it every day since I received it and I am glad to say I believe it so far. If it would not be too much trouble I would ask you as a favor whenever it is convienient to you to forward me more as I took a great interest in the above. I have heard a great account of the Mormon People and that is my reason for writing of course some people talk about plural marriages connected with it no matter talk is cheap as I say we cannot stop peoples mouths

Letter from George Teasdale, 17 December 1895

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. My beloved brother: We are all plunged into the deepest sorrow and dissapoint ment at the death of my beloved companion Ettie. She had been sick about five weeks and we have faithfully administered to her and wait- [e]d upon her believing she would recover and accompany us to Utah and take up our abode at Nephi; but we are sadly disappointed. She has had a time of suffering and we have had one of anxiety and hope. I confess I have been decei- ved for I had all confidence she would recover. It is the greatest disappointment of my life. She is much beloved and faithful prayers have been offered up for her by all her friends in public and in private, at the fast meeting and conference but it has pleased our Father in heaven to take her and we are left in desolation. It was so unlooked for. And yet, my beloved brother, we are trying to be reconciled to the will of Him who doeth all things well no matter how

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sondries for Supper 17 50


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Dec 17, 1895