Day in the Life

Dec 24, 1895

Journal Entry

December 24, 1895 ~ Tuesday

24 A regutar [regular] Artic Storm this morning I rode
to the office this morning in an open sleigh in my
Esqumaugh [eskimo] fir coat our winter has begun Early


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Letter from W. M. James, 24 December 1895
Catemaco, Vera Cruz, Mexico, Hon. Pres. Mormon Ch[ur]ch Latter-day Saints Salt Lake Utah. Dear Sir, I take the liberty of giving below an offer and description of a magnificent and beautiful property. If you are not interest- ed at all will you not kindly turn it over to some one who will undertake the sale of it @ 10% commission. The hacienda of Cuezalapeume 4338 acres Price $20,00000 Mexican silver. Six miles from the harbor of sonte comapan on Gulf of Mexico. 85 miles from below Vera Cruz Altitude 1100 feet: no marshes, malaria or mosquitos. Frontage two miles on lake Catemaco a beautiful body of water surrounded by the town, plantations and always green wooded hislls. Three mountain streams traverse the property making it divisible into 100 acre tracts with water on each. The union of their valleys made perhaps the richest tract of sugar cane and rice land in Mexico. The ground slopes back into the hills over looking the lake—a lovely landscape. This higher part by its proximity to the gulf is the choicest coffee land. The lands between are peculiarly adapted to different fruits and crops; including a
Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, John Jaques, Charles William Penrose, and Amos Milton Musser, 24 December 1895
Salt Lake City, . Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren: According to your instructions, we have carefully read and considered the Manuscript by Elder Samuel G. Spencer, and hereby respectfully report, that while it is lengthy for a pamphlet designed for general circulation, making probably about fifty pages of ordinary size, it is yet a fair epitome of the doctrines and organization of the Church, with the history of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the Scriptural predictions concerning it, all fortified by very numerous quotations from the Old and New Testaments, and likely to be productive of good, by meeting objections raised against the latter day work. If it is published, it should be carefully revised for the press, additional sub-headings interpolated, and some expressions modi- fied. In going over the Manuscript, some suggestions of this kind we have marked upon it. The writer has borrowed copiously in the latter part of the work from the writings of Orson Pratt, but they are made to harmonize with the other parts of the work. We do not think it would be advisable for the Church to issue the
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
gift $15 5112 75


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Dec 24, 1895