Day in the Life

Dec 27, 1895

Journal Entry

December 27, 1895 ~ Friday

27. I met with John Q Cannon at the Office & talked
with him about our choice of senators to go to Washington
Brother Joseph J Danes visited us He asked for
$1500 a year for services at the organ we gave him
$1200. I received a Letter from David P Woodruff


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions
Daynes, Joseph John (Jr.)
7 Nov 1873 - 19 Sep 1963
22 mentions


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Letter from Joseph Bradford Kendall Jr., 12 December 1895
Prest Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Dear Bro: your letter was duly recieved and contents noted, will say in reply, I apprecia- te the call, and are thankful that they considered me worthy of such a call and will be there at the time appointed, if nouthing cearious prevents it. Your Brother J B Kendall N. R. Lewis Bp Very good, but Bp. Lewis' endorsement does not amount to much. J. F. S.
Letter from William C. Ockey, 27 December 1895
NEPHI CITY, UTAH, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, I received your favor informing me that you desired me to go on a mission to Great Britiain, to leave Salt Lake City Feb. 15. In reply will say, I feel honored to thus be called, and am sorry that I cannot adjust my affairs so as to be able to leave on the day appointed. But I will get my business in a condition so I can fill the mission in one yeare, and I will report to you as soon as I can get ready. Thanking you for thus honoring me. I Remain Your Bro. in the Gospel Wm C. Ockey T. H. G. Parkes Bp. 2nd Ward Nephi Very well, put him on the reserve list. J. F. S.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Pageid for Alashic picture 8 paid for Christmase 15 paid for Taxes school in Deseret 9 Carried to page 63 5917 60


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Dec 27, 1895