Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1895

Journal Entry

December 31, 1895 ~ Tuesday

31. A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Owen to Father & Mother
I had interviews to day with many of the Politicions
I talked with Benn E Rich and others upon the Election there
is quite a stir in the Land.

I looked over my Journal for the year 1895 And recorded
in the oposite page a synopsis of the same


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
637 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions

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Letter from Willard Done, 31 December 1895

First Presidency, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Dear Brethren: I send you herewith a copy of the let- ter to the Salt Lake Literary and Scientific Association with refer- ebnce to their building. I would be lpleased to call upon you if you wish, and meet some statements which, I understand Dr. Talmage made regarding this matter, and which cannot be fully discussed in a letter. Kindkly let me know if this will be agreeable to you, and when I could meet you most conveniently. With best wishes, Your brother and friend, Willard Done

Letter from Lars Christian Madsen, 31 December 1895

Mount Pleasant, President Wilford Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother: Your letter bearing date of Dec: 11th has been received, in answer I will say: That I will indeavor to get my affairs at home, arranged so that I can leave Salt Lake City on the day mention Jan. 18th 1896. Your Brother in the Gospel Christian Madsen Very good. J. F. S. Brother Madson is in our opinion well fitted for work assigned him, and is a good faithful man. C. N Lund, Bp:

Letter from Ezra E. Neeley, 31 December 1895

Franklin . President Woodruff Dear Brother: It is with pleasure that I acept the call, for i think it is an honor to ttake a Mission my circumstances are not the best but I would not let them hinder me from doing what I think is right As ever Ezra E. Neeley L. L. Hatch Bp. Very good. I hope his way will be opened. J. F. S.

Letter from Hadyn Layborn Smith, 31 December 1895

Ward Presedent Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 28 is deuley receaved in ansur I beg to say their ins mothing will give me more Pleshur than to go & declair the wards of eternal life to a dark & ben^i^g- hted world I feel the call an honnor as well as a duty we how [have] to hour [our] fellowman I will be on hand the 17 day of April your Brother in the gospel Hadyn Layborn Smith. H. T. Spencer Bishop Good. he will do for the england. J. F. S.

Letter from James Hodson Davis, 31 December 1895

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a Letter stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Great Britain, to Leave on the 18th of April 1896. I cheerfully accept it and will endeavor to fulfill ^it^ to the best of my ability Your Brother in the Gospel James H Davis 44th N 3rd West City good J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Johnson, 31 December 1895

Preston, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your letter of the 21 of Dec I rceived and in reply will say that I will be on hand if nothing unknown happins hoping to be able to discharge the duties required of me I remain your Brother in the gospel Joseph Johnson Dear Brother, I can heartly endorse to call of Bro, Jos. Johnson into the Missionary field & beleive he will be a good faithful worker with kind regards & ever praying for the welfare of Zion I am as ever your Brother in the Gospel W. C. Parkinson Bishop Preston Ward All right J. F. S.

Letter from Walter Franklin Mayhew, 31 December 1895

Nephi President Willford Woodruff. Dear Brother I wrote to you some 2 or 3 weeks a go to get excused from going on my mission on account of my financial conditon But the way has been opened so I can go at the appointed time and will be there on the 17th of January and ready to leave on the 18th as requested in the letter which I received from you on the 26th of November. I remain your Brother in the Gospel W. F. Mayhew. J. H. S. Parkes Bp. 2nd Ward, Nephi Very good. J. F. S.

Letter from Peter Johnson and Christian Grejs Larsen, 31 December 1895

Huntington, Utah, . To the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: We the undersigned humbly submit the following for your consideration and ask, if it is possible, that you give us a little financial aid, from the Huntington Tithing Office. The Saints of Huntington Emery Stake have been trying for years to complete a brick meeting- house 40 x 70 ft. inside. The roof is on, and the windows and doors are in, but the gallery, Ceiling plas- tering, seating, heating etc are to be finished and furnished. The people are willing to do all they can, but many are struggling to make homes in an almost new country, with very limited means. Your Brethrn in the Gospel, Peter Johnson Bishop C. G. Larsen Pres. of Stake

Letter from S. Ramsden, 31 December 1895

Liverpool, President Wilford Woodruff My Dear Sir I cannot let this year pass without dropping you a few lines to thank you and all the Members of thy Latter day Saints for all their kindesses and good wishes to me. and you can rely on me and my sons doing their best to carry out your wishes for the benefit of your people so long as you intrust your Patronage

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

$30 $30 60 290 George Scharman

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Receivd Cash $75 T $30 ({shorthand}) 105

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Alice {shorthand} $10 25 cts sugar 10 50 carried to Page (63) $1029 53

Letter from Niels Nielsen, 31 December 1895

Riverton Provo, Utah, The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ Later-day Saints. Salt Lake City. Dear Brothern In reply to your letter inst, I will say that it is agreeable with my feelings and I truely feel honored of the inquiry. I will describe my circum- stances for your consideration, and will be governed by the same. A short time ago I purchas- ed a peace of land on which I had to borrow $2.50 at 12% intrest payable in one year from date.

Letter from Samuel Whitney Richards, 31 December 1895

Most of the missionaries in the field have been and are now young Elders without experience in the ministry, and have spent their time and labors more freely in the distrebution of tracts, and in family conversations which have resulted in removing prejudice and making friends, while very few have been inclined to connect themselves with such an unpopular people as the "Mormons" are almost universally recognized to be. Only a few days since Elders McFarland & Walker, now in Steuben Co. N. Y. succeeded in Baptizing 14 persons into the Church, which with 22 or 23 others who had previously been baptized, mostly in this neighborhood makes the number of additions during the year by Baptism thirty-five. There are at present many encourageing features promiseing increased success to the Mission. There are now several places where more easy access may be had to the people than have heretofore been available. I have at several times expressed my desire for more Elders in this Mission to members of the Missionary Committee. Prest Cannon and others, and have late in the season received some assistance so that now I have nine Elders with after releasing several who have been called home on account of sickness at home or their own impaired health. If no more are called away I will be able with my present help to keep watchful care over the places where Elders have been laboring, which is about all that can be


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Dec 31, 1895